Lap-Chee TSUI - Our Members (2024)

9th International Cystic Fibrosis Congress, Brighton, England, June 9-15

Mapping, Cloning, Manipulating Genes: New Strategies for Understanding and Treatment of Inherited Human Diseases, NIADDK Workshop, NIH, Bethesda, April 18-19
Mount Sinai Hospital Research Institute, Toronto, November 13

Best Institute, University of Toronto, January 20
Grand Rounds, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, January 22
Institute of Human Genetics, University of Minnesota, January 23
National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, February 5
Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, February 7
Luncheon Seminar, The Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (Ontario), February 15
Departments of Biological Sciences and Human Genetics, Univ. of Pittsburgh, February 26
Banting Institute, University of Toronto, March 4
Victoria Hospital, University of Western Ontario, April 9
Amgen, Thousand Oaks, California, April 21
Department of Pediatrics, University of California, Irvine, April 22
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, "Molecular Biology of hom*o Sapiens", May 29
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Genetics Society, June 9, Laval, Quebec
7th International Congress of Human Genetics Satellite Workshop, Genoa, Italy, September 17
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Wayne State University, Detroit, October 27
Moderator, Workshop on Cystic Fibrosis, 37th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia, November 2-5
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Broken Arrow Conference, Kimberley, Ontario, Nov. 12-15
Grand Rounds, Queen's University, Kingston, December 9

The XXXVth Colloquium- Protides of the Biological Fluids, Brussels, April 27
The Royal Society, London, April 29
The Robert H. Gregg Lectures, The 30th Annual Clinic Days, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, May 20
Continuing Education and Extension, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota, June 10
North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Toronto, October 14-17
Eye Research Institute, Oakland University, Rochester, October 22
Department of Biochemistry, University of Vermont, Burlington, November 6
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, November 19
Departments of Biochemistry and Physiology, University of Hong Kong, December 17
Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 18

UCLA Symposium, Speaker on Molecular Biology of the Eye: Genes, Vision and Ocular Disease, Santa Fe, February 6-12
AAAS Symposium, Analysis of Human Genetic Disease, Speaker and Presider, Boston, Feb. 12
Department of Biochemistry, University of Montreal, March 4
Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, April 14
The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, April 19
Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University, April 29
Department of Anatomy, University of Toronto, May 25
Canadian Pediatrics Society, Annual Meeting, Calgary, July 3
Second North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Orlando, September 29
Workshop on Gene Therapy: Its Potential Application to Cystic Fibrosis, sponsored by CF Foundation and NIH, Bethesda, November 1-2
Association Francaise de lutte Contre la Mucoviscidose, Paris, November 22
Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy, November 23
Department of Biochemistry, St. Mary's Medical School, University of London, November 24
Interinstitute Mammalian Genetics Program Conference, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, December 7

Department of Pediatrics, Grand Rounds, University of Manitoba, March 23
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Toronto, April 5
Symposium über Mukoviszidose-Forschung, Wildbad, West Germany, April 28
Merck Frosst, Montreal, May 18
Department of Biochemistry, University of Montreal, May 23
Department of Medical Genetics, University of Toronto, September 11
Ontario Cancer Institute, September 21
Fourth Rossiter Research Conference, Lake Couchiching, Ontario, September 29
Department of Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh, October 5
The Paul di Sant'Agnese Distinguished Scientific Achievement Lecture, Third Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Tarpon Springs, Florida, October 12
Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories, November 7
Special Presentation, 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimore, November 13
Symposium on Molecular Biology of Human Genetic Disease, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20
Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology, Hong Kong, November 22
Recent Advances in Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, The Chinese Canadian Association of Biomedical Professionals and the Chinese Canadian Medical Society, Toronto, November 25
Colloque "Genetique Moleculaire Humaine", Lyon, December 7
Mukoviszidose Symposium, Tübingen, December 14

Chevron Lecture, University of California, Davis, January 7
Conférence BioMéga, Université de Montréal, January 16
Canadian Society of Academic Medicine, Toronto, January 26
UCLA Symposium on Manipulating the Mammalian Genome, Tamarron, Colorado, January 27
Opening Lecture, NIH Cystic Fibrosis Lecture Series, Bethesda, February 7
Department of Physiology, University of Alabama, Birmingham, February 16
NIH Workshop on Population Screening for the Cystic Fibrosis Gene, March 5-6
Manitoba Society of Clinical Chemists Symposium, March 7
Department of Biochemistry, University of California, San Francisco, March 20
Open Lecture, University of Western Ontario, March 28
European Workshop on Molecular Genetics, Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy, April 7
Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Sestri Levante, Italy, April 9-11
Department of Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, April 19
Eli Lily, Indianapolis, April 27
Morse Lecture, State University of New York, Brooklyn, May 2
Kimble Research Institute, New York Blood Bank, May 3
Johns Hopkins University Centennial Lecture, May 9
American Thoracic Society, President's Lecture, May 22
Bio Japan'90, Osaka, May 25
Loeb Research Lecture, Ottawa Civic Hospital, May 30
Opening Lecture, Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Williamsburg, VA, June 10-13
Fifth Conference of the Health Problems related to the Chinese in N. America, Toronto, June 22
Third International Symposium and Workshop, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, Hong Kong, June 24-30
22nd Annual March of Dimes Clinical Genetics Conference– Genetics of Gastro-Intestinal Disorders, Detroit, July 9
Institute of Medical Genetics, University of Toronto, July 12
Award Lecture, Genetic Society of Canada, San Francisco, July 18
Invited Lecturer, Bar Harbor Summer Course on Mammalian Genetics, July 20
Symposium on the Human Genome, International Congress of Clinical Chemistry, San Francisco, July 25
A course on Methods in Clinical Biochemistry, University of Toronto, September 14
Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation, Toronto, September 15
Grand Rounds, Queensway General Hospital, Etobico*ke, Ontario, September 26
International Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Arlington, Virginia, October 4
IVth International Conference on Neonatal Screening of Cystic Fibrosis, Colorado Spring, Colorado, October 8
American Society of Human Genetics, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 18
American College of Chest Physicians, Toronto, Ontario, October 24
Respiratory Care Update '90, Ontario Respiratory Care Society, Toronto, October 26
Gairdner Award Lecture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, October 29
Plenary Lecture, Science Teacher Association of Ontario, Toronto, November 1
Telethon Lecture Series, Montreal Children Hospital, November 13
The French Mucoviscidosis (CF) Association, November 16
Department of Biochemistry, Jefferson University, Philadelphia, November 20
World Health Organization, Task Force on Cystic Fibrosis Screening, Leningrad, Nov. 26-29
Genetic Task Force of New York State, New York, December 19

Friday-at-Four Seminar Series, University of Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, January 11
Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, January 25
Cystic Fibrosis Conference, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, February 21
Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, February 26
The American Society of Cancer Research, Banff, Alberta, March 12
Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, March 13
Medical Student and Graduate Student Association, University of Calgary, March 19
Department of Biology, York University, Toronto, March 25
Banbury Conference, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, April 1-3
Department of Human Genetics, Yale University, New Haven, April 9
Department of Human Genetics, University of Connecticut, April 15
European School of Medical Genetics, Trieste, Italy, April 21-25
University of Siena, 750th Anniversary Lecture Series, Italy, April 27
Spanish National Congress of Human Genetics, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May 3
Special Presentation, Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club, May 7
Merck-Frosst, Montreal, May 24
Doris Tulcin Award Lecture, University of Alabama, Birmingham, May 28
PMAC Keynote Lecture, Canadian Federation of Biological Sciences, Kingston, June 9
Open Lecture, European Congress of Cystic Fibrosis, Copenhagen, June 18
Gordon Conference, Human Molecular Genetics, Newport, R.I., July 29-August 2
International Congress of Biochemistry, Jerusalem, Israel, August 4-9
Chinese Medical College and the Science and Technology Commission of the People's Republic of China, Beijing, September 25
Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas, Dallas, October 4
Moderator, Workshop on Cystic Fibrosis, The 8th International Congress of Human Genetics, Washington, D.C. October 9
Workshop on the Control of Proliferation in Senescent Fibroblasts, National Institute on Aging, NIH, and The Bloomfield Center for Research on Aging, McGill University, Montreal, October 12
Seminar Series on Current Topics in Biotechnology, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Toronto, October 15
Workshop on Molecular Genetics and Epidemiology: Exploring the Interface. Programs in Molecular Medicine, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington, Seattle, November 8 and 9
Department of Human Genetics, Emory University, Atlanta, November 14
Solvay Pharmaceutical Company, Atlanta, November 15
Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, November 15
American Society of Nephrology, Baltimore, November 18
Microbiology Undergraduate Student Association, University of Toronto, November 19
Michener Institute of Medical Technology, Toronto, November 22
Keynote speaker, 2nd Annual Symposium, Spanish Cystic Fibrosis Association, Barcelona November 23

Roston Memorial Lecture, University of California, Irvine, February 3
Child Health 2000, Vancouver, February 19-21
The John Colter Lecture, University of Alberta, Edmonton, March 23
UCLA-Keystone Symposium, Copper Mountain, April 7
Distinguished Lecture Series, University of South Alabama, Mobile, April 23
Dupont-Merck Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., Wilmington, April 28
The Cresson Medal Lecture, Drexler University, Philadelphia, April 30
The E. Mead John Award Lecture, Baltimore, May 5
The First South-North Human Genome Conference, Caxambu, Brazil, May 14
The annual Canadian Tourette Syndrome Foundation meeting, May 15
Clinical Biochemistry Symposium, MDS Laboratories, Mississauga, June 20
American College of Clinical Pharmacology, Toronto, August 12
11th International Congress of Cystic Fibrosis, Dublin, Ireland, August 22-27
Symposium on Recent advances in Cystic Fibrosis, European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 1
Plenary session, 20th International Congress of Pediatrics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 10
Distinguished Scientist Award Lecture, The Canadian Society of Clinical Investigators, Sept. 13
Invited speaker, Philippe Laudat Conference on Cystic Fibrosis: From Gene to Therapy, Obernai, France, September 21-24
Invited speaker, International Symposium on Molecular Biology of Human Genetic Diseases, Shanghai, China, October 5-7
The S.Y. Chung Visiting Lectureship, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, October 19-24

Department of Pediatrics, Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, New Jersey, January 20
Department of Biology, McMaster University, February 1
Department of Biochemistry, University of Rochester, February 8
The 40th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Allergy and Immunology,
Chicago, March 14
Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas, San Antonio, April 7
Institute of Biochemistry, Academia Sinica, Taipei, April 10-12
Thomson Lecture, McGill University, Montreal, April 22
Eurolab'93, Nice, France, April 27
Department of Medical Genetics, Gaslini Institute, Genoa, April 28
Student Day Keynote Speaker, Ohio State University, May 5
Symposium chair, General Motors Meeting on Drug Resistance in Cancer, Toronto, May 6-9
Workshop on Techniques in Molecular Genetics, Verona, Italy, May 14
Symposium on "Cystic Fibrosis: From the gene to the cure", American Thoracic Society and American Lung Association International Conference, San Francisco, May 16-19
Co-Chair and speaker, The First International Conference in Human Chromosome 7 Mapping, Marburg, Germany, May 21-22
Speaker, Symposium on "Progress and prospects in the treatment of cystic fibrosis", and Chair, Plenary Session, The 18th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Madrid, Spain, May 21-26
Speaker, Symposium on "Cystic Fibrosis: Channels, Genes and Clinical Approaches", State University of New York at Buffalo, May 27
Broken Arrow Conference of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Mount Saint Anne, Quebec, June 18-19
Workshop and lectures on "Cystic fibrosis" and "Physical mapping of human chromosome 7", Pediatric Institute, National University of Mexico, and Mexican Society of Biochemistry, Mexico City, July 1-2
Co-chair and speaker, Gordon Conference on Molecular Genetics, Newport, Rhode Island, August 1-6
Speaker, International Congress of Genetics, Birmingham, England, August 18
Invited speaker, The German Society of Clinical Chemistry, Dresden, October 1
Workshop moderator, 1993 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, New Orleans, Louisianna, October 6-9
International Seminar on Human Genome Diversity and Congenital Disorders, Beit Berl, Kfar Saba, Israel, October 17-22
Biotechnology Seminar, Ontario Science Center, October 30
Lettura de vincitore, Primo Internazional Sanremo per le Ricerche Genetiche 1993, Federazione Italiana per lo Studio delle Melattie Ereditarie, Sorrento, November 8
Invited speaker, Physical Mapping, Chromosome Committee Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, November 10
Affimatrix, Los Altos, California, December 3
Distinguished Speaker, Florida Institute of Technology, December 13

Siu-lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 25-February 4
Nephrology Grand Rounds, University of Toronto, February 16
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 17
Department of Biology, York University, North York, Ontario, February 28
Montreal Cancer Institute, Montreal, April 5
Chair, Nature Genetics Conference, Toronto, April 8
CF Gene Therapy Program, University of California, San Francisco, April 20
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Annual Scientific Conference, Ottawa, April 30
Panel discussion, Meeting on Genome Mapping and Sequencing, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, May 12
Biotechnology Networking, Bio'94 (8th International Biotechnology Meeting and Expo), Toronto, May 24
HUGO and Gene Therapy, hosted by the National Committee on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Swedish Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm, June 6
Opening Lecture, The VIth Latinamerican Cystic Fibrosis Congress, San Jose, Costa Rica, August 3-6
Plenary Lecture, Annual Meeting of Asociacion Latinoamericana de Genetica, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, September 26-30
Symposium speaker, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Montreal, October 19
Ming Yu Visiting Scholar, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Special Lectures, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong, November 4
Second South-North Human Genome Conference, Beijing, China, November 6-10
School of Basic Medicine, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, November 11
Human Genome Symposium, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, November 14
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, November 15
Symposium speaker, Project Management Institute, Toronto, November 17
Symposium speaker, Canadian Association of Clinical Biochemistry, Toronto, November 17
Invited speaker, Department of Human Genetics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 21

Keynote Speaker, University of Toronto Medical Student Research Day, Toronto, January 10
Invited speaker, Excellence in Pediatric Lecture Series, York County Hospital, New Market, Ontario, February 23
Invited speaker, Pediatric Reunion, Society of Pediatric Pathology, Toronto, March 10
Symposium speaker, The Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program, Toronto, April 7-9
Invited speaker, Gene Therapy Program, The University of California, San Francisco, April 13
MELSI Forum, The Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program, Toronto, April 26-27
Symposium and Workshop speaker, Child Health 2000, Vancouver, June 1 and 2
Department of Pediatrics, University of Hong Kong, June 16
Chair, Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy and SPARX Workshop, The Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Toronto, June 22-23
Chair, Symposium on Gene Therapy in Canada, Toronto, June 26-27
Plenary Speaker, The Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, Vancouver, June 29
Chair and Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, July 30-August 4
The Henry Friesen Lecture, at the Annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Montreal, Sept 14
Invited speaker, VIIth Latin American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Santiago, Chile, September 27-29
Invited speaker, Department of Biochemistry, Syracuse University, October 6
Invited speaker, Banbury Conference on "Finding Genes– Experimental and Computational Methods", Cold Spring Harbor, December 3-6
Invited speaker, Department of Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec 27

Invited speaker, Emma-Thaler Symposium on Pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis, University of Munich and European Working Group on Cystic Fibrosis, January 26
Invited speaker, The 8th International Workshop of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Osaka University, February 19-21 and Taniguchi Symposium on "Molecular and Cellular Biology of Man", February 22
Invited speaker, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Milan, Italy, March 25
Invited Lecture and Workshops, European School of Medical Genetics, 9th Course, Sestri Levante (Genova), Italy, March 24-30
Special Lecture, Ontario Science Center, Toronto, May 9
Panel Discussant, Bio'96 Video Conference, Biotechnology Industry Organization, Philadelphia-Toronto, June 11
Plenary Lecture, 12th International Congress of Cystic Fibrosis, Jerusalem, June 18-22
Plenary Lecture, 2nd Annual Conference of the Asian Pacific Society of Bioscientists, Hong Kong, July 8-11
Chair and Speaker, Workshop on Cystic Fibrosis, International Congress of Human Genetics, Rio de Janeiro, August 19-24
Keynote Speaker, Symposium on Human Genome and Genetic Diseases, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, August 31-September 2
Plenary and Keynote Speaker, II Annual Meeting of the Mexican Association of Molecular Biology and Medicine, Acapulco, Mexico, October 2-5
Symposium speaker, The North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Orlando, October 24-27
Speaker, Pittsburgh Conference, December 10
Invited speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, December 10

Invited speaker, Clontech, Pleasant View, California, January 23
Invited speaker, Inauguration Symposium, Institute for Genetic Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, January 24
Invited speaker, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, February 5
Invited speaker, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, February 20
Symposium speaker, Human Genome Meeting, 2nd Annual Meeting of the Human Genome Organization, Toronto, March 6-8
Plenary Speaker, Biotech 97, Toronto, March 11-13
Invited speaker, Toronto Biotechnology Initiative, Metro Hall, Toronto, March 20
Plenary Speaker, 9th Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Hong Kong, March 23-27
Invited speaker, Leadership Conference, Children's Circle of Care, Montreal, May 2
Guest lecturer, Biotech Alive, Ontario Science Center, Toronto, May 7
Invited speaker, 10th Year Anniversary BRI DAYS, NRC Biotech Research Institute, Montreal, May 8
Rossiter Lecture, Department of Biochemistry, University of Western Ontario, London, May 9
Symposium speaker, 7th International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Vienna, May 21-25
Symposium speaker, 21st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Davos, Switzerland, June 1-7
Symposium speaker, 7th International Symposium of the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, Toronto, July 6-11
Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference on Human Molecular Genetics, Newport Rhode Island, August 10-15
Invited speaker, Symposium on Genomic Medicine, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, August 30
Invited speaker, Department of Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, September 9
Invited speaker, Great Lake Genetic Consortium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30
Chair, Symposium on Genes other than CFTR that Influences the CF Phenotype, Eleventh Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Nashville, October 23-26
Invited speaker, Human Genome Organisation Mutation Data Base Meeting, Baltimore, October 27-28
Invited speaker, Tsinghua University, University of Toronto, and Chinese University of Hong Kong: Trilateral Symposium on Perspectives in Biotechnology, Hong Kong, November 8
Keynote speaker, The Hong Kong Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting, City University of Hong Kong, November 10
Invited speaker, 10th Anniversary Symposium, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Singapore, November 17-18
Invited speaker, Second Beutenberg Symposium– Genome Analysis: Strategies, Medical and Industrial Applications, Jena, Germany, December 11-13

Invited speaker, Etobico*ke University Women’s Club, January 14
Speaker, Meeting of International Research Scholars, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 20-23
Invited speaker, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Annual Conference, Halifax, May 1
Guest lecturer, Biotech Alive, Ontario Science Center, Toronto, May 4
Invited speaker, Heritage & Success, Toronto Public Library, May 20
Symposium speaker, 5th Joint Meeting of European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Toulouse, France, May 27-30
Keynote Speaker, 6th Pacific Rim Biotechnology Conference and BioExpo ‘98, June 3-5
Keynote Speaker, Third Canadian Gene Therapy Symposium, Montreal, June 27-28
Keynote Speaker, Sixth Symposium of Life Science and Biotechnology for Chinese Bioscientists, Overseas and Returned, Peking University, August 7-10
Plenary Speaker, The Eighteenth International Congress of Genetics, Beijing, August 10-15
Luncheon Speaker, Kinsmen and Kinette Naitonal Convention, Winnipeg, August 20
Invited speaker, Western Technology Seed Investment Fund, September 3
Conference Chair and Keynote Speaker, Third Conference for Screening for Cystic Fibrosis, Caen, France September 10-11
Invited speaker, The Crossroad of Biotechnology 98, Montreal, September 29
Conference Chair and speaker, the 12th North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Montreal, October 15-18
Keynote Speaker, 1998 Chinese Canadian Academic and Professional Convention, Toronto, October 24
Invited speaker, Functional Genomics of Neurodegeneration, Japan-Canada Neuroscience Symposium, Tokyo, November 18-19.
Invited speaker, ‘98 International Symposium on Human Genome, 98 Shanghai Forum of Science and Technology, China, November 19-21.

Invited speaker, Institute of Medical Science Research Day, University of Toronto, January 28
Invited speaker, Department of Biology, York University, February 8
Featured Speaker, Cotton Club 1999, Winter Retreat of Denver Children Hospital, February 25-27
Neil Graham Lecturer, University College, University of Toronto, March 3
Invited speaker, HUGO Human Gene Mapping Meeting, Brisbane, March 29
Invited speaker, Genetics 2000 Gene Discovery and Beyond Conference, April 9-10
Invited lecturer, Biotechnology Week: Biotech Alive!1999, Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, May 3
Invited speaker, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, May 4
Invited speaker (two sessions), Bio’99 International Biotechnology Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, May 18, 19
Symposium Speaker, XVII International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Firenze, Italy, June 6-11
Invited speaker, Medical and Molecular Genetics Center-IRO, Hospital Duran i Reynals, Barcelona, Spain, June 11
Invited speaker, World Congress on Science, Science for the Twenty-First Century, Session I.9: The biological revolution and its implications for health, Budapest, Hungary, June 27
Invited speaker, 2nd Department of Pediatrics of the Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary, June 28
Invited speaker, BioAtlantech99, Fredricton, New Brunswick, July 27-30
Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Human Molecular Genetics, August 8-13
Invited speaker and Chair, 8th International Symposium of the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, Hong Kong, August 14-19
Invited Lecturer, First Annual Symposium on Genetics and Human Disease, Emory University, School of Medicine, September 23
Plenary Lecturer, British Human Genetics Conference, University of York, September 27-29
Invited speaker, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford University, September 29
Plenary Speaker, The 13th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Seattle, Oct 7-10
Invited speaker, Gairdner Foundation 40th Anniversary Symposium series, Ottawa, October 14
Invited Lecturer, V Curso International de Biomedicina Molecular, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico City, October 27-29
Invited speaker, 6th Annual Ottawa Life Sciences National Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, November 1-3
Invited speaker, 32nd Annual Symposium, Society of Toxicology of Canada, December 2-3
Invited speaker, Institute of Molecular Biology Retreat, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, December 16-19

Invited speaker, RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center, Tsukuba, Japan, February 1-2
Panel discussant, The Vancouver Institute Public Lecture: The Human Genome Project, April 8
Chair, Plenary Session, HGM2000, Vancouver, April 9-12
Invited speaker, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry–Roche Conference, Kyoto, April 16-19
Invited speaker, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 40th Year Anniversary Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, April 29
Invited speaker, American Thoracic Society 96th International Conference, Toronto, May 8
Invited speaker, Biotechnology Week Lecture Series, The Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, May 8
Invited speaker, Frontier in Genomic Medicine, Taipei, May 29-31
Joseph Levy Memorial Lecture, XIIIth International Cystic Fibrosis Congress, Stockholm, June 4-8
Keynote Speaker, Chinese Congress of Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine, Hong Kong, June 11-15
Invited speaker, Shantou University Medical School, China, June 14
Invited speaker, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, June 24
Speaker, public lectures, Lee Kuan Yew Distinguished Visitor program, and seminars at National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, July 30-Aug 10
Speaker, Science and Technology Lecture Series, Second Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Youth Science Festival, Singapore, July 31
Invited speaker and panel discussant, The North American Chinese in the Millennium Year Conference, Richmond Hill, Ontario, August 19
Invited speaker, World Congress on Lung Health, Florence, August 30-September 3
International Symposium of the Human Genome, Naples, September 6-10
Speaker, Distinguished Speaker Symposium, Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia, October 7
Plenary speaker, HUGO Pacific Conference, Shanghai, October 18-20
Keynote Speaker, Smart 2000 Conference, Calgary, October 25
Invited speaker, University of Calgary Medical School, Calgary, October 25
Special Guest, The 14th International Mouse Genome Conference, Narita, November 6-9
Speaker, Japan Health Sciences Foundation Symposium “The New Lodestar, Mining the Genome to Discover Disease Genes and their Function”, Yokohama, November 10
Symposium speaker, The Fourteenth Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Baltimore, November 12
Invited Speaker, Grand Rounds, Trillium Health Centre, Missassauga, Ontario, November 29
Guest speaker, GI/Nutrition Seminar, Hospital for Sick Children, December 13
Keynote speaker, Health Research Foundation Stakeholders Meeting, Ontario Legislative Assembly, Queen’s Park, Ontario, December 13

Invited speaker, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 2001 Toshiba "Breath of Life" Challenge at Blue Mountain, Collingwood, Ontario, February 15
Invited speaker, Frontier in Genomic Medicine, Taipei, March 5-8
Invited speaker, Mini-Symposia, 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Sheraton Centre, Toronto, March 14-17
Symposia organizer and Speaker, 2001 Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Breckenridge, Colorado, March 31-April 6
Speaker, Magistral Conference, National Medical Centre, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico City, May 3
Speaker, Magistral Conference, Centro de Investigacion Biomedica de Occidente, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Guadalajara, May 4
Keynote Speaker, Closing Conference, Pan American Congress on Infectious Diseases, Guadalajara, Mexico, May 5
Keynote Speaker, Conferences on Fundamental Sciences: The Biological and Chemical Sciences, National University of Singapore, May 21-24
Invited speaker, Ontario R&D Forum, Toronto, May 30
Keynote speaker, Conference on Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, June 26-28
Invited speaker, Department of Biology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, June 29
Invited speaker, Chinese National Human Genome Center, Beijing, July 1
Plenary Speaker, The 2001 International Symposium of the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, Taiwan, August 6-10
Speaker, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 11th Broken Arrow Conference, Toronto, September 6-9
Speaker, Chinese Canadian Medical Society International Conference, Vancouver, BC, Sept 29-30
Invited speaker, University Lecture, University of Texas at Dallas, October 8
Invited speaker, McDermott Center for Human Growth and Development, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, October 8
Invited speaker, University of Toronto Senior Alumni, October 30
Guest Speaker, The Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute on Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomic Biology, University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine, Nov 12-17
Speaker, Biotechnology Forum of Innovation Expo, Hong Kong, November 26
Speaker, The 5th National Telemedicine Education Symposium, Shantou University Medical College, November 27

Keynote Speaker, Annual meeting of the Society of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Kenting, Taiwan, January 28
Invited speaker, The 29th Annual Biology Symposium “Recent Advances in Understanding Diseases”, organized by the Association of Graduate Studies in Biological Sciences, York University, Ontario, March 2
Invited speaker, 20th Annual Distinguished Lecture Series, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong, March 26
Chair, Human Genome Meeting 2002 Satellite Symposium on “Genomic Approaches to Human Disease”, Hong Kong, April 12
Invited speaker, HGM2002 Public Forum on “Genomic Biotechnology and Bio-economy in the 21st Century”, Shanghai, April 13
Invited speaker, 30th Annual Pharmaceutical Symposium and Exhibition, Pharmaceutical Science Group, Thornhill, Ontario, May 7
Invited speaker, International Symposium on Frontiers of Science – In Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Chen Ning Yang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, June 17-19
Invited speaker, 2nd Wu Ta-You Science Camp, sh*tou, Taiwan, August 4-9
Invited speaker, 5th Wu Chien-Shiung Science Camp, sh*tou, Taiwan, August 12-17
Co-Chair and Speaker, NIDDK Workshop on Genetic Modifier of Mendelian Traits, NIDDK (NIH), Bethesda September 9-10
Invited Speaker, Forum of Outstanding Persons’ Association, Hong Kong Exhibiton and Convention Centre, November 5
Invited Speaker, General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, November 12
Guest Lecturer, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Journalism and Communication Society, November 15
Plenary Speaker, BioFuture 2002, Vancouver, November 21
Lecturer, 2002 F.E. Shiderman-Sterling Lectureship, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, November 22
Guest Lecturer, World Congress of Digestive Surgery, Hong Kong, December 8
Guest Lecturer, 2002 Annual Fellowship Dinner, Hong Kong Management Association, December 10
Invited Speaker, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Postgraduate Hall High Table Dinner, December 11

Speaker, The University of Hong Kong Alumni Association, January 11
Keynote Speaker, UMA Annual Dinner, Hong Kong, January 26
Keynote Speaker, BioTWorld HK2003, February 25
Invited Speaker, Hong Kong Biotech CEO Forum, March 4
Invited Speaker, Chinese Manufacturers Association of Hong Kong, March 27
Speaker, Joint Symposium on Atypical Pneumonia, Hong Kong, April 26
Invited Speaker, Canadian Genetic Diseases Network Annual Retreat, Kananaskis, Alberta, May 16
Invited Speaker, Asian Heritage Month (Canada), University of Toronto, May 20
Guest Speaker, The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers IT Division and The British Computer Society (Hong Kong Section) Joint Annual Dinner, May 30
Speaker, HKEdCity Distinguished Scholar Online Lecture, July 5
Invited Speaker, Convocation, The University of Hong Kong, July 11
Invited Speaker, Young Leaders’ Development Program, AIA, Hong Kong July 26
Keynote Speaker, IT in Health Forum, Hong Kong, July 30
Speaker, Hong Kong University Graduates’ Association, September 13
The 8th AJS McFadzean Orator, Hong Kong College of Physicians, October 11
Ho Hung Chiu Lecturer, Hong Kong College of Radiologists, October 18
Presidents’ of Chinese Universities Summit, Hanzhou, October 19
Invited Speaker, Tsinghua AIDS and SARS Summit, Beijing, November 10
Invited Speaker, China’s Science and Technology Towards 2020: International Forum on the Medium and Long Term Development Planning for China’s Science and Technology, Beijing, November13
Keynote Speaker, Youth Summit on Information and Communication Technologies, Manila, Philippines, November 29
Luncheon Speaker, Joint Chamber of Commerce (Singapore, Australia, Canada, Britain), Hong Kong, December 3
Opening Lecture, 7th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Hong Kong, December 6

Speaker, Rotary Club Central Hong Kong, January 12
Speaker, Symposium in my honor at the Hospital of Sick Children, Toronto, January 19
Plenary Speaker, Hong Kong-Shanghai International Liver Congress, Hong Kong, February 15
Speaker, Karolinski Research Lectures at Nobel Forum, April 1
Discussant, Harvard Business School Global Conference, Shanghai, June 15
Speaker, Traders Meet of the Hong Kong Biotechnology Industry, Hong Kong, June 24
Plenary Speaker, International Pediatrics Conference, Hong Kong ****
Speaker, Leaders’s Forum, SCBA, Beijing, July 18
Speaker, Symposium on “Transporters”, SCBA, Beijing, July 19
Keynote Speaker, The Second Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum, Beijing, August 9
Speaker, Summit on the Positioning of the Hong Kong Economy, Hong Kong, August 23
Speaker, Ruby Anniversary Symposium of the Unit of Pediatrics and Adolescence Medicine of University of Hong Kong, September 25
Speaker, Workshop on “Genomics and Public Health Policy”, jointly organized by the Genome Research Centre, University of Hong Kong and the Centre of Bioethics, University of Toronto, October 20
Luncheon Speaker, Hong Kong Economics & Trade Office and Hong Kong Association of Southern California, October 21
Plenary Speaker, The 33rd Chinese Hospital Annual Symposium, San Francisco, October 22
Plenary Speaker, The 12th Conference on Health Care of the Chinese in North America, Oakland, California, October 24
Luncheon Speaker, Hong Kong Economics & Trade Office and Hong Kong Association of Northern California, San Francisco, October 25
Luncheon Speaker, Canadian Club, Toronto, October 29
Luncheon Speaker, Terminal City Club, Vancouver, November 2
Speaker, Symposium on “Medical Genomics– Genetics of Human Disease”, HUGO Pacific Meeting, Singapore, November 19
Breakfast Speaker, The Education Committee, The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, November 23
Speaker, Seminar on Training for Leaders of Secondary School Students, organized by Ming Pao, Hong Kong, November 27

Speaker, Longman’s Science Seminar, Hong Kong, March 5
Moderator, Workshop on “Health Regulatory Framework between Hong Kong and China– Opportunities from Alignment”, International Technology Conference “Technology Drivers for Tomorrow– Medical Diagnostics and Devices”, organized by the Science and Technology Park of Hong Kong, March 16
Plenary Speaker, International Collaborative Genetic Training Program, jointly organized by Johns Hopkins University and Peking University, Beijing, March 25
Plenary Speaker, Third Hong Kong Medical Genetics Symposium, Hong Kong, April 8
Moderator, Sequenom Workshop “Trends in Whole Genome Studies”, Kyoto, Japan, April 21
Chair, Symposium Session on “Disease Genomics”, Human Gene Mapping Meeting (HGM2005), Kyoto, Japan, April 18-21
Luncheon Speaker, The Yale Club, New York City, May 5
Luncheon Speaker, HKU-Boston Forum, Boston, May 9
Plenary Speaker, International Symposium on Genomic Medicine, Association of the Chinese Geneticists in America and Fudan University, Shanghai, June 29
Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Citrin Deficiency and Related Diseases, Kagoshima University, Japan, November 19
Speaker, 14th TB Teoh Foundation Lecture, Hong Kong College of Pathologists, November 26

Speaker, Public Lecture on ‘DNA and Health’ for 7 local education organizations, Hong Kong, March 3
Chair and Discussion Moderator, Symposium on “Disease Genomic: Monogenic Disease”, the 6th HUGO Pacific Meeting & 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Human Genetics (HUGO-AP2006), Taipei, March 8
Invited Speaker, Zhejiang University, June 21
Plenary Speaker, Third Chinese-Foreign University President Forum, Shanghai, July 13
Presenter, Life Long Achievement Award to Prof Y.W. Kan, the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, San Francisco, July 20
Chair, President’s Forum, International Congress of Global Chinese Geneticists, Beijing, August 4
Invited speaker, HKU-Pasteur Symposium on Respiratory Diseases, Institut Pasteur, Paris, September 12
Plenary Lecture, 20th Anniversary Celebration of Hong Kong College of Physicians, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong, October 14
Speaker, Distinguished Chinese Scientists Lecture Series, Hong Kong, November 17
Chair, “Public Health Genetics”, Joint Symposium on Medical Genetics, Department of Health, Hong Kong, November 26
Speaker, Biology Students Society, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, November 30

Speaker, Longman HK Education Science Seminar, Hong Kong, March 24
Speaker, Le Salle College Education Symposium “Education in a Globalized World”, Hong Kong, May 12
Speaker, Presidents’ Forum, Meeting of University Presidents of China and Taiwan, Taipei, July 23
Speaker, Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce, August 1
Keynote Speaker, The Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) Business Conference Hong Kong 2007, August 26
Plenary Speaker, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 12
Speaker, Pei Hua Education Foundation “Forum on Future Development of China”, Nansha, Guangdong, China, October 14
Keynote Speaker, Higher Education Management Leadership Forum 2007, on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, November 9
Speaker, International Symposium on Applied Genomics, Tokyo, Japan, December 19
Speaker, Regenerative Medicine and Biomedicine Development Forum, The 10th Guangzhou Convention of Oversea Chinese Scholars in Science and Technology, Guangzhou, China, December 27

Chair, Plenary Sessions, The Joint 7th HUGO Pacific Meeting and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Human Genetics, Cebu, Philippines, April 2-5
Speaker, Convocation Ceremony, University of Toronto, Hong Kong, April 6
Speaker, The HKU Museum Society, Hong Kong, April 10
Speaker, Conference of the China Young Leaders Foundation, Beijing, April 19
Speaker. 2008 Bernard Langer Annual Lecture, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, May 14
Speaker, HKU Alumni Association Annual Dinner, Hong Kong, June 5
Plenary Speaker, 4th QS Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education Conference and Exhibition Seoul, Korea, July 9
Chair, Plenary Session, Presidential Forum on Internationalization of Higher Education, City University of Hong Kong, July 18
Panelist, Microsoft Research Asia 10th Anniversary Innovation Forum with Bill Gates, Hong Kong, August 12
Speaker, Henry B Woo Foundation Lecture, 14th International Conference on Health Care of Chinese in North America, Toronto, September 27
CASE Conference Closing Speech, Hong Kong, December 5

Speaker, Inaugural Symposium of the Institute of Advance Studies, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, January 6
Speaker, Alan Bernstein Distinguished Lecture, St Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, January 16
Speaker, 60th Anniversary Lecture, New Asia College, Hong Kong, February 20
Panelist, Presidents’ Forum, Asia-Pacific Association of International Education, Renmin University, Beijing, April 16
Plenary Speaker, 32nd European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Brest, France, June 11
Speaker, PRC 60th Anniversary Forum, Hong Kong, September 22
Speaker, Chinese University Presidents Meeting, Xian, October 9-10
Speaker, First International University Presidents’ Forum, Korean Council for University Education, Seoul, November 20

Speaker, Joint session organized by Education Convergence and Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong, January 18
Chair, Session on “Health”, Association of Commonwealth University Executive Heads Conference, Cape Town, April 26
Moderator, Parallel Panel Discussion, 4th Chinese-Foreign University Presidents’ Forum, Nanjing, May 3
Speaker, Yonsei University 125th Anniversary International Conference on Higher Education and Governance, Seoul, May 7
Speaker, Southwest Associated University (Xinanlianda) Science Forum, Kunming, Yunan, May 12
Speaker, Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre, Hong Kong, May 18
Speaker, Dr Sun Yat Sen Oration, Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, May 30
Keynote speaker, International Higher Education Conference on “Higher Stakes: Managing University Reputation in a Competitive World”, Hong Kong, June 22
Session chair, APRU 14th Annual Presidents Meeting, “Can Existing Regional Organizations Deal with Future Challenges”, Auckland, July 1
Speaker, Forum hosted by HK SAR Education Bureau on Tertiary Education in Hong Kong, Seoul, July 6
Speaker, HKU Convocation Forum, July 10
Speaker, The 6th 兩岸四地 Chinese University Presidents’ Forum, Hong Kong, July 25
Speaker, McDonnell International Scholars Academy Symposium on the Global Energy Future, Washington University, St Louis, Oct 2
Speaker, The 8th ‘9+3’ Chinese University Presidents’ Forum, Fudan University, Shanghai, Oct 12
Speaker, InnoCarnival Seminar, Innovation & Technology Commission, Hong Kong, Nov 8
Keynote Speaker, Annual Conference of the National Academy of Medicine, Buenos Aires, Nov 15
Keynote Speaker, Conference on Journalism, Ethics and Health, After the Human Genome Project, Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Nov 16
Keynote Speaker and Distinguished Scientist Awardee, Chinese American society of Nephrology, Denver, Nov 19
Plenary Lecturer, Science & Innovation Week, Mexico City, Nov 24

Panel speaker, Philanthropy in Higher Education, Going Global 2011, Hong Kong, March 11
Panel Discussant, HKU/HKFYG Leaders to Leaders Lecture Series, Hong Kong, April 1
Luncheon speaker, Better Hong Kong Foundation, Hong Kong, April 11
Invited speaker, Royal Asiatic Society annual meeting, Hong Kong, April 15
Co-Chair, Breakout Session on Internationalisation, Global Summit of University Presidents, Association of Pacific Rim Universities, Beijing, April 22
Invited Speaker, the 7th Annual Asian Heritage Month Edu Roundtable, Toronto, May 10
Speaker, Diocesan Boys School: Step to Society Conference, Hong Kong, June 29
Invited Speaker, on moral education, the Hong Kong Youth Military Summer Camp, July 20
Keynote Speaker, The 5th Universities’ Global Strategy Symposium, Tokyo, October 28
Invited Speaker, launching of the Philippine Genome center, Manila, November 28
Opening Address, Presidents’ Summit, The University of Hong Kong, December 18

Invited speaker, Zhejiang U Morningside Cultural China Scholars programme, Hong Kong, February 7
Speaker, UK—Hong Kong Higher Education Roundtable on “Impact of Reform”, March 12
Guest of Honour and Speaker, Gala Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (Ontario) Education Foundation, Toronto, April 28
Breakfast Speaker, Association of Pacific Rim Universities Annual Presidents’ Meeting, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, June 28
Panel Speaker, Opening Key Session, Summit for Leaders in Advancement 2012, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Washington DC, July 15
Chair, Roundtable Discussion, Chinese University Presidents’ Association Annual Meeting, Nanjing, July 23
Panel Speaker, Morningside Cultural China Scholars Program, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, August 10
Keynote Speaker, OECD Institutional Management in Higher Education General Conference on “Attaining and Sustaining Mass Higher Education”, Paris, September 17
Chair, Annual Conference of The Association of University Presidents of China, Hangzhou, October 9
Keynote Speaker, The 3rd Forum on Future Development of China, Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation, Hong Kong, October 16
Speaker and Panel Moderator, International Forum for Innovative Development “Open Innovations”, Moscow, November 2

Invited speaker, Hong Kong Youth Summit 2013, Hong Kong Outstanding Students’ Association, April 13
Invited speaker, Fudan University, Shanghai, May17
Invited Speaker, TOTAL Master Class on "Finding the Leaders of Tomorrow", Brussels, September 12
Invited Speaker, Hospital Authority Executive Leadership Program, Hong Kong, October 22
Invited Speaker, Volunteer Training Scheme 2013, Hong Kong Outstanding Students’ Association, November 10
Discussant, Panel Session III: The Singapore Case, Implications & Action for Univer-Cities Conference 2016, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, November 18
Invited Speaker, science talk for 500 students from 5 secondary schools, SKH Li Ping Secondary School, Hong Kong, December 11

Invited speaker, Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, January 16
Invited speaker, Zhejiang U Morningside Cultural China Scholars programme, Hong Kong, February 18
Invited speaker, British Council – Global Education Dialogue East Asia Series, Tokyo, March 6
Invited speaker, Genomics: The path towards a better understanding of health, disease, evolution and biodiversity, Manila, April 14
Speaker, Morningside Cultural China Scholars Program Public Forum, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, May 16
Speaker, New World Club Special Seminar, Guangzhou, July 30
Guest of Honor, The First Convocation of The University of Macau, August 23
Guest speaker, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the University of Toronto Alumni joint luncheon, Hong Kong, September 12
Speaker, Toronto Leaders’ Breakfast, Messey College, University of Toronto, September 15
Speaker, Munk Centre, University of Toronto, September 15
Speaker, Henry G Friesen Prize Public Forum, University of Ottawa, September 16
Luncheon Speaker, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Annual Conference, Ottawa, September 17
Speaker, Symposium on the Frontiers of Life Science, Zhejiang University, November 12
Session Chair, International Conference on Science, Technology and Education, Zhejiang University, November 18
Moderator, Blue Sky Panel Discussion on Defining a new Asian innovation niche - DNA sequencing & bioengineering, APAC Innovation Summit, Hong Kong, December 3

Invited speaker, Zhejiang U Morningside Cultural China Scholars programme, Miller Theatre, Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, February 3
Speaker, Henry G Friesen Prize Public Lecture, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, March 23
Speaker, Henry G Friesen Prize Public Lecture, University of Calgary, March 25
Speaker, Henry G Friesen Prize Public Lecture, University of Alberta, Edmonton, March 26
Invited speaker, Patrick Choy Lecture, hosted by University of Manitoba Health Sciences Graduate Student Association, Winnipeg, March 30
Speaker, Yen Kwo-yung Lecture (General) at New Asia College Biweekly Assembly, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, April 10
Speaker, Yen Kwo-yung Lecture (Scientific), School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, April 10
Speaker, Yen Kwo-yung Lecture (Public), Science Museum, Hong Kong, April 11
Speaker, Broken Arrow Conference, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Toronto, May 2
Speaker, Wednesday Seminar, Fung Academy, Hong Kong, June 3
Moderator, Panel Discussion on Hong Kong – A Base for Technology Companies to Grow Business in Asia, Think Asia Think Hong Kong, Hong Kong Trade and Development Council, Toronto, June 8
Speaker, “Leadership and Technology” series, Hong Kong Fire Services Department, June 25
Speaker, University Fung-Raising Conference, Zhejiang University, July 3
Speaker, Baixian Scholars Programme, Zhejiang University, August 3
Speaker, CASE Asia Pacific International Fundraising Study Tour and Conference, Hong Kong, September 15
Speaker, The Rev. Brother Paul Sun Education Foundation, Hong Kong, October 6
Speaker, Hong Kong Asia Lions Club Annual Meeting, November 10
Speaker, Association of Pacific Rim Universities Graduate Student Symposium, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, November 24
Keynote Speaker, University of Macau Doctor honoris causa Lecture, November 28
Speaker, Hong Kong University Graduate Association Annual General Meeting, December 1
Speaker, the 57th Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Library Association, December 11

Keynote Speaker, Promotion of STEM Education, Hong Kong, January 22
Speaker, Lap Chee College High Table Dinner, the University of Hong Kong, January 27
Speaker, Zhejiang U Morningside Cultural China Scholars programme, Hang Lung Headquarters, Hong Kong, February 4
Speaker, Diocesan Boys’ School Leadership Series, Hong Kong, February 24
Dinner speaker, Hong Kong Industry University Research Collaboration Association, March 11
Moderator, Session 36: Innovation and the New Economy of Hong Kong, Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2016, March 24
Keynote speaker, British Chevening Scholars (Hong Kong) Association Annual Dinner, April 1
Keynote speaker, International Conference on the Professionalisation of University Presidents Governance, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, April 23
Speaker, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Science Annual Dinner, Hong Kong, April 27
Speaker, Opening Ceremony of the 17th Asian Physics Olympiad, Hong Kong, May 2
Keynote speaker, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Enterpreneur Day, Hong Kong, May 6
Guest of Honour, International Mathematics Modeling Competition, Hong Kong, May 6
Speaker on STEM Education, Parents-Teachers Association, St Paul Co-Educational College, Hong Kong, May 7
Speaker, The British Computer Society (Hong Kong Section) Annual Dinner, May 13
Speaker, Hong Kong Subsidised Secondary School Council General Meeting, May 18
Speaker, G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College, Hong Kong, May 24
Speaker, National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, June 14
Speaker, Symposium to celebrate Professor Kai-Keung Mark’s 80th Birthday, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 24
Dinner speaker, International Conference “Beyond the Formal Curriculum in Universities, University of Macau, June 28
Speaker, Annual meeting of the Mainland-Hong Kong Science and Technology Cooperation Committee, Guiyang, Guizhou, August 16
Dinner speaker, Guest of Honour, Silver Anniversary celebration of University of Hong Kong Alumni Association, Northern California, San Francisco, September 3
Moderator, An Evening with Members of the Academies, InnoTech Expo 2016, Hong Kong, September 26
Luncheon speaker, West Kowloon Rotary Club, Hong Kong, October 5
Speaker, Orthopaedic Distinguished Lecture Series, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, October 7
Speaker, Macau Science and Technology Award 2016, Macau, October 12
Guest of Honour, DiagCor Medical Diagnosis 10th Year Anniversary Celebration, Hong Kong, October 22
Guest of Honour, Chu Hai College for Higher Education Graduation Ceremony, Hong Kong, November 9 & 10
Speaker, Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macau Scientific and Technology Translational Research Conference, Shenzhen, November 15
Guest of Honour, Pui Kiu College Annual Speech Day, Hong Kong, November 25
Guest of Honour, Bishop Hall Jubilee School Annual Speech Day, November 26
Guest speaker, Yan Chai Education Day, Hong Kong, December 1
Guest of Honour, Queen’s College Annual Speech Day, Hong Kong, December 2
Guest of Honour, Hong Kong SME Innovation Award, December 3
Guest of Honour, Hour of Code Hong Kong, December 4
Speaker, Hong Kong University Graduate Association Education Foundation Annual Dinner, December 14
Speaker, Hong Kong-Guangzhou International Conference on Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, Hong Kong Science Park, December 16

Guest speaker, Joint School Staff Development Day of Government Primary Schools, Hong Kong, January 25
Guest of Honour, High Table Dinner, Lap-Chee College, the University of Hong Kong, February 16
Guest speaker, Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan School Council Spring Reception cum Seminar, February 17
Invited speaker, King’s College Education Foundation, Hong Kong, February 23
Guest speaker, Forum on STEM Education and Me, The Education 2.1 Group, Hong Kong, February 24
Keynote speaker, The Hong Kong Academy of School Managers Annual Meeting, February 26
Keynote speaker, 145th Anniversary of True Light Middle School’s Inter-school Education Conference, Hong Kong, March 4
Speaker, Hong Kong Management Association Mini-Conference, March 9
Speaker, Dialogue with Venerable Jin Ying, Opening Ceremony of the Buddhism Research Centre of Chu Hai College, Hong Kong, March 18
Guest of Honour, Opening Ceremony of Chinese Foundation Secondary School Open Day, Hong Kong, March 24
Keynote speaker, Citywide STEAM Education Conference cum Opening Ceremony of the STEAM Lab to commemorate the 85th Anniversary of Fung Kai Primary School, Hong Kong, March 25
Convenor, Lok Ma Chau Loop Brain Storming Session, The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, April 1
Invited speaker, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, April 6
Guest Speaker, High Table Dinner, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong, April 21
Panel Chair, Second Summit on Science and Technology Innovation, The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, May 5
Speaker, Global Challenges Lecture, Zhejiang University International Campus, Haining, May 9
Keynote speaker, MBA for Educators, Shanghai University, Shanghai, May 13
Guest of Honour, Opening Ceremony of the STEM Education Centre, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong, May 15
Speaker, Hong Kong University Graduates Association Primary School STEM Committee meeting, Hong Kong, May 18
Guest of Honor, Quality Education Fund Project: From Coding to STEM, City University, Hong Kong, May 23
Celebrity Speaker, Jockey Club Mei Ho House Hong Kong Spirit Learning Programme, May 25
Keynote Speaker, The DH Chen Foundation Scholarship 2017 Award Dinner, Hong Kong, September 15
Keynote speaker, International Conference on Smart Future, A Global Perspective, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Hong Kong, September 21
Speaker, 「香江創科論壇 」專題研討: 科技政策及「一帶一路」下的協同科技創新, Hong Kong September 25
Guest speaker, Wah Yan College Staff Reunion Day “ Empowering students to face future challenges and contribute to society”, Hong Kong, September 28
Moderator, InnoTech Expo 2017, Closing Forum, Hong Kong, October 2
Keynote speaker, Hong Kong Science Association, 3rd Board of Directors Inauguration Ceremony, Hong Kong, October 7
Speaker, General Education Series: “Doing education right”, The University of Hong Kong, October 10
Speaker, International Higher Education Forum, Zhejiang University International Campus, Haining, Zhejiang, October 21
Speaker, "Science, the way to my future" Exhibition, InnoCarnival 2017, Hong Kong, October 23
Keynote speaker, Industry and University Collaboration Forum 2017: Connecting the Dots for Re-Industrialisation – the Greater Bay Area Landscape, Hong Kong, November 14
Guest of Honour for the Hong Kog Joint School Biology Olympiad award ceremony, November 18
Guest speaker, East Asia History of Science Foundation – Education Bureau Joint STEM Student Lecture, November 21
Moderator, 科技「一帶一路」與粵港澳大灣區創新論壇 Hong Kong – Macao – Big Bay Area Symposium on Innovation and Technology under the Belt-Road Initiative, Hong Kong, November 30
Guest of Honour, Croucher Foundation Award Presentation Ceremony, Hong Kong, December 8
Main Stage Speaker, Learning and Teaching Expo 2017 HKedCity, Hong Kong, December 13

Panel Discussant, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Annual Conference (中總論壇2018-區域合作與香港商機), January 8
Guest of Honour and speaker, 8th Anniversary Celebration of the School of Biological Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 12
Guest speaker, New World Group Staff Development Day, February 27
Guest of Honour and speaker, Society of Hong Kong Scholars, February 27
Keynote speaker, Curriculum Development and Teaching Practice Education Conference, March 10
Speaker, HK SciFest 2018: "From Anecdote to the World", Hong Kong Science Museum, April 11
Speaker, Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy lecture, April 21
Panel discussant, session on Innovation and Technology, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao-Bay Area Economic and Trade Association Summit, Hong Kong, May 3
Speaker, Closing Remarks, Mini-symposium in honour of the Retirement of Professor Henry Wong, Dean of Science and Professor of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 10
Opening speaker, International Symposium on STEM Education, The University of Hong Kong, June 21
Speaker, Scientific Forum, National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia, September 14
Moderator, InnoTech Expo 2018, Medical Forum, Hong Kong, September 26
Guest of Honour, Youth Leadership Award Ceremony, Fung Hon Chu Education Trust Fund, Hong Kong, October 13
Speaker, the Inaugural Conference of Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance, November 3
Speaker, Meeting with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China, People’s Great Hall, Beijing, November 12
Speaker at ICAC Chief Investigators' Command Course No. 38, Headquarters of Independent Commission on Against Corruption, Hong Kong, November 14
Panel Discussant, Victor Fung meeting with President Rafael Reif of MIT and Executive Council Members, Hong Kong, November 15
Guest of Honour, the 200th Congregation of the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, November 24
Speaker, Opening Ceremony, The Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing, November 27
Discussant, The 30th Round Table Luncheon cum Celebration Luncheon, ‘Talent in Transition – Embracing Greater Bay Area Opportunities’, Hong Kong, December 7
Speaker, forum on the future of higher education in honour of Mr Tin Ka Ping's centenary birthday celebration, Hong Kong, December 9
Panel Discussant, HKSAR’s Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up of the Country Thematic Seminar, Hong Kong, December 10
Speaker, Open University of Hong Kong Congregation, December 10

Guest of Honour, 「創科繽FUN大灣區」 - 粵港澳大灣區創科X STEM by Me成果展Opening Ceremony, January 3
Guest lecturer, Hong Kong Academy of Politics & Public Policy, Hong Kong, January 5
Speaker, Leadership Luncheon: New strategy for current challenges in biotech development, co-hosted by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office and the Asia American Multi-Technology Association, San Francisco, January 8
Speaker, Tung Wah College Public Lecture, Hong Kong, January 18
Speaker, Zhejiang University Morningside Scholars Programme, Hong Kong, February 19
Guest of Honour, 「明日生活 X 創科大灣」 Innovation and Technology Exhibition, Hong Kong, March 1
Speaker, 2019 World Rare Disease Day Symposium, Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases, March 2
Officiating Guest, STEM Conference 2019, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, March 23
Keynote speaker, Annual Meeting, Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases, Hong Kong, March 2
Guest of Honour, Open Lecture on Genomics, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 29
Speaker, Ming Pao Forum on the Reposition of Hong Kong: Towards an International Science and Technology Innovation Centre, Hong Kong April 1
Speaker, Lecture at the Zonta Club of the New Territories, Hong Kong, April 2
Keynote speaker, KPMG Capital Markets – Life Sciences Forum. Hong Kong, April 8
Speaker, Sharing with Towngas Management Staff: Innovation at work, Hong Kong, April 11
Guest speaker, Research Retreat, School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, Macau, April 13
Officiating guest, Opening of SmartHub@CLP, China Light and Power, Hong Kong, April 29
Guest of Honour, Federation of Hong Kong Industrialists General Committee, April 29
Speaker, Quebec Cystic Fibrosis Symposium in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the cloning of the CF Gene, Hotel Mortagne, Boucherville, Quebec, May 9
Keynote speaker, Molecular Genetics 50th Anniversary Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, May 31
Keynote speaker, Westlake Youth Forum, Haining, Zhejiang, June 11
Luncheon speaker, Hong Kong Federation of Women, Hong Kong, June 17
Keynote speaker, Vocational Training Council Principals’ Forum, Hong Kong, June 26
Guest of Honour, Talk Series on Emerging Technologies, Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences and Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education, Hong Kong, July 12
Luncheon speaker, All-China Women’s Federation Hong Kong Delegates Association, Hong Kong, September 20
Keynote speaker, Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools 55th Anniversary Education Colloquium: Curricuum for the Future, October 30
Guest Speaker, Independent Commision Against Corruption Chief Investigators' Command Course Number 39, Hong Kong, November 25

Guest Speaker, Online seminar on COVID-19 by Expert Local Scientists, The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences, Hong Kong, March 14
Moderator, Online Forum on COVID-19, The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, June 30
Speaker, South Asia Nobel Fest Live, 2 online sessions on “Rooted in genes: what can we learn from our DNA?” October 2, and, “Transforming education in the digital era” October 4
Speaker, Fung Scholars Leadership Forum (online), Hong Kong October 10
Speaker and panel discussant, 5th CASAD Science Education (online) Forum on "Science Education under the Influence of COVID-19: Problems and Implications", Shanghai, October 29
Moderator for Young Scientist Forum, World Laureate Forum 3, Shanghai (online) October 29
Speaker and panel discussant on “Translational Medicine: From Bench to Bedside”, World Laureate Forum 3, Shanghai (online) October 31
Keynote speaker, The Impact Conference, Applied Science and Technology Research Institute 20th Anniversary Event, Hong Kong, November 11
Guest speaker, Forum on Strategic Strengths of Hong Kong and Macau, Center for Hong Kong and Macau Studies, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen (prerecorded), December 27

Guest speaker, online dialogue with 60 grade 11 biology students, Humberside Collegiate Institute, Toronto, Ontario, January 27
Moderator, Fung Forum on Student Exchange, Victor and William Fung Foundation, Hong Kong (online), February 22
Invited speaker, Tencent Xplora Prize Launching Event, Hong Kong (online) February 27
Speaker, seminar organized by HKU Alumni Association (Ontario), Toronto (online) March 6
Speaker, “Meeting the Scientists and Engineering Leaders” series organized by the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, Hong Kong (online) March 13
Speaker, 創新及科技座談會, Hong Kong (online), March 24
Speaker, City I&T Grand Challenge - Star Workshop, organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Hong Kong, March 25
Speaker, Forum organized by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology on Building an International Science and Technology Innovation Centre in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, March 31
Speaker, meeting organized by the the Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks of Education Bureau, Hong Kong, April 20
Guest, Asian Heritage Month, YouTube chat hosted by Justin Poy, Canada (online), May 20
Guest speaker, 70th Commencement, Chu Hai College for Higher Education, Hong Kong, June 6
Panel discussant, Annual Retreat, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 22
Chair, Student of the Year Grand Award adjudication committee, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, June 23
Thematic talk for secondary school students, Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, Hong Kong, July 9
Guest of honour, Maryknoll Convent School Speech Day, Hong Kong, July 9
Panelist, The 4th World Laureate Forum: Panel discussion on “Building a Responsive, Integrated Scientific Network” September 17 (recording)
Panelist, The 4th World Laureate Forum: Möbius Forum on “Beyond SDGs, Science for Well-being” October 30
Panelist, The 4th World Laureate Forum: WLA University Presidents Forum on Open Science for a Sustainable Future; Session 1 “Open Science - from Concept to Execution” November 1
Speaker, “Talks at Schools” programme of the Hong Kong Acacemy of Sciences, Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai), Hong Kong, November 12
Guest of Honour, STEM Forum cum Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition 2021 Award Presentation Ceremony, Hong Kong, November 20
Moderator, Hong Kong Laureate Forum “Masterminds Masterclasses” in Life Science and Medicine, Hong Kong, November 17
Chair, Panel Discussion on COVID-19: New Perspectives in Global Public Health, Asia Summit on Global Health (pre-recorded virtual session), Hong Kong, November 24
Panel member, Roundtable discussion, Asia Pacific Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems 2021, December 6

Guest Speaker, Pui Ching Middle School, Hong Kong, June 21
Guest of Honour, 40th anniversary Celebration of Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) cum Graduation Ceremony, June 23
Guest speaker, “How to Start a Research Project” Workshop hosted by Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences, June 26
Moderator, Panel Discussion on the Key Roles played by Innovation and Technology in Hong Kong, Greater Bay Area Conference 2022 (cum 25th Anniversary of China Daily Hong Kong Edition), October 6
Host and Chair, Science Committee, Hong Kong Symposium: “Science for the Future”, co-organised by Hong Kong Academy of Sciences and Future Prize Foundation, October 23
Speaker, Academic Salon, Innovation Center of Yangtze River Delta (嘉善智慧绿洲). Zhejiang University, November 9
Speaker, Tea with Deans seminar series (院長下午茶), Residential College, Zhejiang University International Campus, November 13
Speaker, “Meeting the Scientists and Engineering Leaders” Series, Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School, Hong Kong November 22

Lap-Chee TSUI - Our Members (2024)


What did Lap-Chee Tsui do? ›

Identified the gene that causes cystic fibrosis

Driven by a commitment to science, and a creative approach to difficult problems, Lap-Chee Tsui has made extraordinary contributions to science through his discoveries and is a leader in developing the field of genomics both in Canada and internationally.

Where does Dr. Lap-Chee Tsui live? ›

Lap-Chee Tsui
The Honourable Lap-Chee Tsui GBM OC OOnt JP FRS FRSC
Born21 December 1950 Shanghai, China
CitizenshipHong Kong Canada
ResidenceHong Kong
Alma materChinese University of Hong Kong (BS, MPhil) University of Pittsburgh (PhD)
10 more rows

When did Lap-Chee Tsui move to Canada? ›

Notwithstanding these differences, he successfully completed his doctorate in 1979. Then, in what proved to be a momentous decision in his life, in 1981 he moved to Canada to work in the Department of Genetics at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto as a molecular geneticist.

When did Chinese people start moving to Canada? ›

With the discovery of gold in British Columbia in 1858, Chinese immigrants from San Francisco began arriving in the Fraser River Valley the following year. Later on, Barkerville, British Columbia was established as the first Chinese community in Canada.

Why did people from Hong Kong come to Canada? ›

The largest wave of immigration to Canada from Hong Kong occurred during the late 1980s and early 1990s, as a result of the uncertainties concerning the handover of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to China in 1997.

When did the South Asians move to Canada? ›

The first South Asian migrants to Canada arrived in Vancouver in 1903. The great majority of them were Sikhs who had heard of Canada from British Indian troops in Hong Kong, who had travelled through Canada the previous year on their way to the coronation celebrations of Edward VII.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.