Quilt Guilds in the State of Kentucky - the Bluegrass state (2024)

The Bluegrass State

Quilt Guilds in the State of Kentucky - the Bluegrass state (1)
Quilt Guilds in the State of Kentucky - the Bluegrass state (2)

This page lists information on Kentucky Quilt Guilds as submitted by the members of the guild. If you find an error or would like to add your guild, please visit the Add/Amend page. If you would like to add your show, use the Add Show page

See a list of Quilt Shows in Kentucky here. Find Quilt Shops and Shop Hops in Kentucky here.

The Redbud Trail Quilt Guild meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11:30 A.M. at the Knox County Extension office located at 215 Truehaft Blvd. We learn various quilting techniques, make charity quilts, and host The Redbud Quilt Workshop in Barbourville each April. We are currently doing a block lotto each month and sometimes do charm swaps. Contact for more information 4sue@wildblue.net

Beaver Dam
We are a newly formed night guild called Kentucky Crossroads Quilt Guild. We have 50 plus members and pay $15 a yr in dues. We meet at the Ohio County Extension office in Hartford on the 3rd Thursday night at 6:00p.m. We have our meeting then we sew on projects, learn new techniques and have fun. We are concentrating on teaching newbies, so we need all experience levels. Contact Hughetta at dalehh@bellsouth.net

Bowling Green
Creative Quilters of Southern Kentucky, meets in Bowling Green KY at Phil Moore Park, 2nd Tuesday of each month, starting at 5:30. We have over 70 members, paying 24 dollars a year in dues, which allows us to have great teachers throughout the year. We have monthly challenges, fat quarter giveaways, classes, retreats and so much more. For more information, contactwijky@insightbb.com

Bracken County Quilters. We have 20 members who pay $5 a year in dues. We meet at 9:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. on the first Monday of the month at the Bracken Co. Ext. Service. We have a fat quarter raffle, classes, show & tell, a quilt shop trip in August & a Quilt Getaway Retreat in February at a nearby State Park. We make quilts for “fire victims” in our County, baby quilts to be given to first time parents and a “giveaway” quilt every other year. We welcome all visitors and new members. Contact quiltasquare@yahoo.com for more information. (Please put “quilt info” on subject line.)

Stringtown Quilters We have about 100 members who pay $25 a year in dues. We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month at the First Christ Church. We have a monthly raffle, show and tell, and a class/program each month. We do one charity/community project per year. In July, we have a quilters’ night out with dinner and a visit to an area quilt shop.

Organized in 1983 with 38 charter members, the Trigg County Quilter’s Guild now has about 70 members. We meet at 10:00a.m. on the third Thursday of each month at the VFW Post 7890 hall at 37 Lafayette Street, Cadiz. Member dues are $5 per year and open to anyone with an interest in any aspect of quilting. A Show ‘n Tell follows each meeting with members showing newly created quilted items. Monthly projects/lessons are planned for each meeting. The guild normally co-sponsors 2 bus trips a year, with members and guests paying a nominal amount. One trip will include a day at the AQS Quilt Expo in Nashville in August, and the second trip being a fabric shopping trip. Each October the guild sponsors a quilt show on Friday/Saturday during the Trigg County Country Ham Festival, and raffle quilt of a full to king size quilt. The guild participates in local art museum displays, upon request, and various charity quilt projects, such as quilts for foster care children. At least 3 pot-luck luncheons are held yearly in conjunction with meetings, Quilters love to eat. Contact mrquilt41@yahoo.com for additional information.

Sawtooth Sisters Quilt Guild. We are a small group from the surrounding counties that meet on the first Monday of the month at 6pm and the 3rd Monday of the month from 10-2pm at the Taylor County Extension Office. All meetings are free. Karen 2laceyj@windstream.net

We are a small group with members from Taylor and surrounding counties. We meet on the 1st Monday at 6:00pm at the Extension Office. We also meet on the 3rd Monday from 10am until 4pm at the Extension Office. There are no dues or fees and we welcome and encourage visitors and quilters of all skill levels. quiltmaker@usa.net

Pieceable Friends Quilt Guild. We have about 25 members who pay $20 a year in dues. Our General Meeting is at 7 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Boyle County Extension with an off-site picnic in June. We also have a sewing group that meets every Friday night with a pot luck dinner. We actively support charity gifting, learning events, and fellowship. Information and a quilt photo gallery are available on our website. Sue Dawson, Secretary, at sue.dawson1@gmail.com

Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild meets at the Metcalfe County Extension Office, 422 East St, Edmonton, KY the first Friday of the month with show and tell at 10:30 & our business meeting at 11 am. Our guild was started in 2014 and has 37 members who pay $12 per year in dues. We sew from 8 til 4 with a break mid day for show and tell and a business meeting. Several times per year we have 2-3 day sit and sew days. Each year we do at least 1 charity project as well as donating several quilts to veteran’s each November. We have a brieft lesson at each meeting & members are always welcome to bring items for swapping or selling to other members.
EMail: cdshirley@scrtc.com Comments: Members are from Metcalfe & Barren County

Central KY Homemaker’s Quilt Guild. We have 102 members and pay dues of $12 yearly. We meet at the Franklin Co Extension Office on the 4th Tuesday of each month. We have hands-on demos, speakers, mini quilt shows for our programs each month. We do service projects for two local organizations. We have morning and evening quilt bees and host Quilter’s Day Out each March.

Elkhorn Creek Quilt Guild.We are an active guild of 50 new and experienced quilters. We meet at 6pm the 3rd Tues. of the month at the Scott County Extension Office. Annual membership dues are $10 for the guild and $10 for the Extension Office. We have guest speakers, classes, local retreats, annual quilt show, and show and tell. We are a very inclusive, fun group. We enjoy sharing our ideas and exploring new endeavors. Email: lcbchief@aol.com

Quilting Friends We are a small group of 15-20 who pay dues of $25 each year, which includes membership into Kentucky Extension Homemakers. We meet at Barren Co Extension Office at 1463 W Main, Glasgow on the second Tuesday of each month and begin gathering at 9:30am and have social time until 11am, when we have our business meeting. We’re a very informal group. We participate in various charity projects, have the occasional class and hold semi-annual ‘sleep-at-home’ retreats. We love visitors and there is always someone willing to help new quilters. Contact me at leftwich@scrtc.com.

Wilderness Trace Quilt Guild meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm at the Mercer County Extension Office located at the intersection of N. Hwy 68 and the 127 Bypass in Harrodsburg. We learn new techniques, create mystery quilts, have a quilter of the month and have sit and sews once a month. ta_parham@yahoo.com

The Ohio County Piecemakers. We Have 40 to 50 talented members. We Meet on the 4th Wednesday at 9:00a.m. at the Hartford Christian Church. We have a workday at the Ohio County Extension Office on the 3rd Wednesday at 9:00a.m., where we learn new techniques, start new projects and eat potluck. We have quilt challenges, mystery quilts, block exchanges and fat quarter swaps. We go on shop hops and attend quilt shows all over Kentucky and Indiana. We have a 3 day Quilt Retreat each November. dalehh@bellsouth.net

Knot Just Quilters meets the third Tuesday of the month (September – June) at 6:00 pm at Southside Church of Christ, 529 Country Club Lane, Hopkinsville. There is a short quilting demonstration each month, show-and-tell, occasional Saturday workshops, participation in the annual Pennyroyal Museum Quilt Show, and a summer “Quilters Day Out.” For more information, call 270-886-2101. Email daviejhdvm@bellsouth.net

Martin County Quilt Guild. Members pay $5 a year in dues. Members of this guild are a collection of great quilters that belong to individual clubs in the county. We have a block of the month swap, fat quarter swaps, and trips. We also organize the Harvestfest Quilt Show every year. Please contact the local County Extension office for more information at 606-298-7742.

Rather Be Quilting. We are a small group of 9 quilters . We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Estill Co Public Library from 1-5 PM.We do BOM swaps, charity quilts,Round robin quilts as well as working on personal projects. Contact rpasley@irvineonline.net for more info.

Anderson Piecemakers. The Anderson Piecemakers meet the first Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. We meet at the Anderson County Extension Office located just off of US 127 in Lawrenceburg. We have a monthly program, show “n tell, participate in several community service projects, contests, and sewing get togethers. Our annual dues are $20. We welcome visitors and new members to our meetings. Contact glennasmith@roadruner.com for more information.

Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society, PO Box 23392, Lexington KY 40523

Quilters Guild of the Bluegrass meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Fayette County Extension Office, 1140 Harry Sykes Way ( off of Red Mile Court) Lexington, KY. Meet and Greet at 6:30 pm, program at 7:00 pm See Our website for more information or email qgbg.president@gmail.com or Elisekalika56@gmail.com

Mountain Laurel Quilters. We have 59 members who pay $18.00 annually. We meet the 1st Sat. of each month at the Laurel Co. Extension Office at 10am. We host A Quilt Gathering in mid Oct.Project Linus is at Paula’s Quilting Pantry in E.B. on each 2nd Tuesday of the month.

” Quilted Treasures”. We have 20-25 members who meet at 10:00 am on the fourth Monday of the month at the Lawrence County Extension Building. Contact our president, Sandy Stark at jasabrvi@netscape.net for more information.

Southwest Louisville Quilters Guild We have about 20 members and we pay no dues. We meet at the Southwest Louisville Library every Tuesday night from 6:00pm-8:00pm. We also meet every odd month on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 9-5. Our mission is to provide quilts for Project Linus. We have sit and sew type meetings. We hold a yearly raffle to support our guild. Guild Contact Information POC: Brenda Moore usmcgrl1@gmail.com

Circle of Friends Quilt Guild

We are a small group of about 12 quilters who pay no dues. We meet every Thursday 10-12:30 to sit ‘n’ sew on our own projects with a coach available if we need help. On the first Thursday, we meet from 9-3 and all work together on charity quilts. Just before Christmas we delivered 40 quilts. We often take day-trips together. Contact marilou1037@msn.com for more information. Guests and new members welcome.

Heart ‘N Hand Quilters.We have 60 members who pay $20 a year in dues. We meet Tuesday evenings at Highview Baptist Church, Fegenbush Lane. We have devotions, block and quilt challenges, demos, and several charity projects. Visit our website for more information.

Nimble Thimbles We have about 50 members who pay $20 year in dues. We meet at 6:30 pm on the 1st Thursday and at 10:00 am on the 3rd Thursday at The Jeffersonian (previously the Jeffersontown Community Center), 10610 Taylorsville Road, Louisville, KY 40299. The purposes of LNT, a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization, are to promote the art of quilting through an active program of education and study and to preserve our quilting heritage and traditions. We meet these goals through classes, programs, and workshops at our meetings, by participating in local quilting events, and providing opportunities for members to “give back” to our local community by making quilts for patients at Norton Children’s Hospital and for veterans. We also have an annual retreat and take quilt related trips. New members and visitors are welcome. nimblethimbles@mail.com

Northeast Quilting Friends meets every Tuesday from 10:00 to 1:00 at Northeast Chrisitan Church; 9900 Old Brownsboro Road, Louisville, Ky, 40241. We have everything you need to make a quilt, including sewing machines. We focus on finishing what we’ve started and enjoying each others company. No dues to attend. We have about 20 members. julieb380@insightbb.com

Piecemaker’s Quilt Club We have about 40 members who pay $20 annual dues. We meet the 4th Tuesday at 6pm at the Hopkins County Extension office. We have demos on tecniques and patterns used in creating quilts. We have a bi-annual Quilt Show at the Glema Mahr Arts Center.

The Graves County Piecemakers guild meets on the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Graves County Public library on 17th Street in Mayfield. Currently dues are $10/year, plus SASE for a free copy of the monthly newsletter. The Piecemakers has about 25 members (looking for more!) who meet for a short program, block lottery, block exchange, show and tell, and, of course, quilt talking. We co-host a Quilter’s Day Out exhibition each year, are active in charity quilting, and have a small lending library. Our members are at all skill levels from beginner to seasoned veteran. Visitors are welcome. We have many new plans and upcoming projects in the works for this year.

Golden Needles Quilt Club meets at the County Extension Office, 800 US HWY 68, Maysville, 4th Wed., 9:30 AM, Sept. through May. June is the month our club does a day out to visit quilt shops, shows or museum as a group. We have a 4 day retreat at Blue Licks State Park in January. Sew days are schedules each month in addition to our monthly meeting and during the summer. Our club dues are $15.00. 30 – 40 members. Email: tansy@kih.net Lessons, group projects, field trips, fun!

Mt. Sterling
Scrapbaggers Quilt Guild meets the first Thursday of each month at Sterling Thimble Quilt Shop from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm. The Scrapbaggers are active in the local community with charity projects as well as monthly programs and sit and sews. For additional information, please contact Sharon Johnson 859-498-9839

Mt Washington
Mt. Washington Quilting Bees Our guild meets twice a month all year. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Closed for weather when Bullitt Co. schools are closed. Meeting begins at Noon, with classes and sit &sew from 10 am – 12 noon. Dues are $20 per year, which also includes membership to Senior Citizens Bldg., which is our meeting place. All ages, gender, and levels of experience or not are welcome. We are a large group and enjoy trips, shows, and a variety of activities together. We have a quilt shop right next door to our meeting place. The owner is also a member of our guild. Guild Contact Information Rodmccoy @ msn.com.

Western Kentucky Quilters Guild Guild We have about 20 members who pay $15 a year in dues. We meet at 12:30 pm on the third Saturday of the month at the United Methodist Church in Morganfield, KY. We have a block of the month, classes, set and sew and a group trip in November.

The Contented Heart Quilt Guild. We have 45 members and pay $15 a year. We meet the third Monday of each month at 12:30 PM. Our meeting place is the Quilt Shoppe on N. Main Street. Our shop has about 30 booths that feature quilted and handmade gift items by guild members and members of the community.

Quilt Lovers of Murray meets on the third Thursday of each month at The Murray/Calloway County Senior Citizens Center, 607 Poplar Street, Murray, Kentucky, at 6 p.m. All quilters are welcome! We have a general meeting, a show and tell, and a presentation or demonstration each month. Fun days and workshops are scheduled throughout the year. Our dues are $10 per year. quiltlovers@gmail.com

Jessamine Piece Quilters. We have about 30-40 members and meet at 9am each Tuesday morning at the Jessamine County Extension Office. We construct a raffle quilt each year for charity, have classes to teach various quilting techniques, and have an annual quilt show, as well as other activities.

The Owensboro Quilt Guild meets the first Thursday of each month at Crosspointe Baptist Church on Worthington Road at 9:30 a.m. Following the business meeting is a Show and Tell. There is a workshop the third Thursday of each month. There is a Quilt Show every other year. Nell Jordan njordan@bellsouth.net

The Trigg County Quilters Guild of over 50 members meets every third Thursday at the St. Steven’s Catholic Church Fellowship hall. Our desire is to promote the heritage of quilting to the future generations. We sponsor a Quilt show every Oct. and are very active in the Quilt Museum in Paducah KY and member of AQS

Paducah Stitch n Quilt Guild
We are a very active quilt guild. We have approximately 80 members. We have moved our location to 2025 New Holt Rd. Paducah, Ky. 42003. This is the McCracken County Extension Office. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10am. We also have 4 – 3 day retreats a year where we have workshops, programs, challenges, and work on charity quilts to help our community, our dues are $25 a year. We welcome guests to come join us. For more info, please email us at paducahquiltguild@gmail.com
Email: paducahquiltguild@gmail.com

The Nifty Needles Quilt Guild. We have approximately 50 members and have dues of $12 a year. The meetings start at 6:30 hospitality time and meeting beginning at 7 pm. Meet at the Bourbon County Extension Office. We have monthly guest speakers, classes, trips, charity quilts. ContactLiz.kingsland@uky.edu for more information.

Pike County Quilt Guild
Pike County Quilt Guild, $10.00 membership dues. 40-50 members. Meet the second and fourth Monday each month at 10:00 am at the Pike County Extension Office, 148 Trivette Drive, Pikeville, KY 41501-1271. Email: pike.ext@uky.edu

Kentucky Cover Lovers Quilt GuildMeet 4th Monday each MonthStratton Community Center, 215 Washington St. Shelbyville, Ky. Sit and Sew meets 2nd Monday each Month, Shelby County Extension Office, 1117 Frankfort Rd, Shelbyville, Ky

Material Girls Quilt Guild Monthly Block give-a-way, mini-classes, We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month. Pulaski Co. Extension Office, lower level. Contact UK Extension Office(606)679-6361

Visit our Scrapdash Shop for your quilting needs.

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Quilt Guilds in the State of Kentucky - the Bluegrass state (3)
Quilt Guilds in the State of Kentucky - the Bluegrass state (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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