Tucson Speaks Out: Nov. 26 (2025)

Follow along as State Journal cartoonist Phil Hands draws a cartoon Twitter's new owner and free speech

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The reason for the angst is that we have democratically elected a new federal majority that believes that in order for America to continue thriving, we must remain a sovereign country with secure borders, whether physical, administrative or policed; and Arizona has approved Proposition 314 which allows local police to arrest people for immigration violations.

It gets messy at the local level because Democrats electively govern Pima County and Tucson with the full-throated support of the Daily Star, which promotes such tragic stories on the front page.

At the citizen level, America is a nation of immigrants and we need many more. Enter through the front door and you will see a welcome mat at your feet. If you understand and adopt our Constitution and its Judeo-Christian value system, learn English, get a green card and a job, and pay your taxes, in perhaps ten years we will welcome you into American citizenship. Congratulations!

Jeffrey McConnell

West side

Rio Vista Natural Resource Park

With modifications underway at Rio Vista Natural Resource Park, we appreciate the trees and supplemental irrigation that have recently been added but are concerned with the ongoing modifications that diminish the original sense of refuge.

Previously, this Natural Resource Park provided an escape within city limits ... to stroll along narrow, winding paths unaware of what was around each bend, to be immersed in the sounds, aromas, and mystery of the natural environment.

But it has changed and is beginning to resemble every other city park. Paths are doubled or tripled in width and unnaturally lined with large rocks which were not part of the original landscape.

Lost is the joy of discovery, of wonder, or something greater than we.

Why replicate the standardized, manicured format when there is such intrinsic value in escaping from a “world that is too much with us?”

(William Wordsworth “The World is too Much with Us.”)

Janice Catt


Re: Government Diet Letter (11/24)

In nearly all cases, fascism has come about because of national ruin or the illusion of it. In our case, it’s the illusion of national ruin. Trump had so thoroughly convinced his followers that the nation was destroyed by the “left” that radical solutions were needed. He used the term, “drain the swamp.” It was used to make the public believe that the nation was under siege by some nebulous phantom enemy. But most fascist leaders have been sociopaths who live in a sadistic, paranoid, distorted reality. When followers get their truth from people like this, they become unmoored from reality as much as their sociopathic leader. They take on the hate, anger, political bigotry and division displayed by their savior. The hatred of the left becomes fanatical, just like we saw in Germany. Mr. Dowdall was right in his letter; the next four years will be revolutionary, because fascism is always revolutionary. Fascism is all about vengeance, and that seemed to be the purpose of his letter.

Steve Rasmussen


Liberalism is dead

Tucson and Pima County are rock-solid Democrat, from the Tucson City Council to the Pima County Board of Supervisors. Nearly 100% of elected officials are Democrats. All of this is due to the local voters and their megaphone support structures such as the Arizona Daily Star and public education activists from K-12 to the U of A. Same holds true in nearly all blue cities coast to coast. You even flipped your media monologue from “mainstream media” to “legacy media.”

Then the unthinkable happened. You lost. Everything. The White House. Congress. Supreme Court (years ago). All irrational liberal policies are dying. DEI. CRT. ESG. Boys are girls. Open borders. Inflationary spending. Restorative/social justice. Bye-bye to all that liberal nonsense. You’re no longer competitive in the national political arena. Local yes, but you better adjust. Your liberalism is dead.

Steve Sollenberger


Re: “You are complicit” (Nov. 23)

The letter, “You are complicit” could benefit from an eye-opening follow-up. The letter addresses the unknown whereabouts of undocumented illegal minor children. The letter writer posits this question: “How many of those children are in forced labor situations or the sex trade?”

America might be the worldwide primary facilitator of the sex-slave industry of minor children. The cartels and other parasitic people are coordinating with those who receive minor illegal children for the purpose of child molestation.

Tim Ballard is the real-life character in the movie, “Sound of Freedom.” See it for free on YouTube. In 2015, he testified before Congress about child sex-trafficking rings from Colombia. He took part in the undercover rescue. Even though he has since been accused of sexual misconduct with employees of his Operation Underground Railroad, his altruistic undercover work cannot be overlooked. Tim Ballard has put a bright light on this infernal darkness.

Daniel Pryor

West side

Please be accurate

While I agreed with much of what Jeff Hartman said in his recent column, he was so far off base when he said, “According to Google’s AI summary, Fox News consistently attracts nearly twice as many viewers as the audience of the three major broadcast networks combined.”

No way.

The actual numbers from the Nielsen Co. the week of Oct.28 prior to the election showed the 3 major network news programs reached 17,138,000 viewers per night. In the same week, Fox prime time programs had a viewership of 2,746,000 nightly. That is quite a difference.

If you are trying to make a point, please, be accurate. Of course, with numbers like that, maybe it takes away the point altogether.

Ray Lindstrom

Oro Valley

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Tucson Speaks Out: Nov. 26 (2025)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.