Wausau Daily Herald from Wausau, Wisconsin (2024)

T. Schultz, 3, 2 3. Schlise, 2. in is 0 3 0 0 3 3 PAGE WAUSAU DAILY RECORD- IFRALD. WAUSAU.

WISCONSIN MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21, 1938 TEN Wausau Highs Defeat Marshfield Easily, 38-17 SPORT CHATTER BY DAVE CHRISTENSON "Windy" Hansch, Crookston ball player for two years, has signed to play for Charlotte in Piedmont (class B) league, Joan Walter of Rothschild, third place in one the heats of the Great Lakes class of women's 440 yards skating race at Oconomowoc Saturday. After the Rhinelander-Antigo school basketball game, to Tippler, the Antigo Rhinelander superintend- News, ent of schools said, "We'll never without offiPetersen again, Madison and Rhinelander cials." Claflin of Goodman were the officials, The Stevens Point high school hockey team won a 2-1 game from Medford Friday night. Ray Helixon, Marshfield, outfielder for Duluth here Saturday night for Wausau-Marshfield game, said he would like to be traded to Wausau. carrying the players of the Marshfield high school basketball teams, went on the "Fritz" Stratford, and the old school bus had to come from Marshfield to complete the journey. Wisconsin Rapids basketball team dropped a 31-20 game to the St.

Thomas military academy team at St. Paul Friday night, WHAT OTHER WRITERS SAY Wisconsin Rapids Tribune: ErratSo marksmanship from the free throw line proved disastrous for the Nekoosa highs as they dropped a 25-16 game to Stevens Point. Stevens Point Journal: Both team (Stevens Point and Nekoosa) centered around set plays. Performance of the Pointers on the large gym floor gave further evidence that Point is a much better team on a large floor than on a small one, and indicated the Ringdahlmen will be hard to beat in the new school gym, to be opened next Friday with a conference game against Waussu. Hodags pulled the victory out of Daily News: The wildest, and best game in which they have competed all year.

Only 8 roughness in spots which could be attributed to speed of the game marred the affair. The score was tied six times, and the lead changed 11 times, Antigo Daily Journal: The Hodags were pressed every minute, and at no time did they look any better than Antigo- in the overtime perlod. After leading all the way the Wausau Squires basketball team was nosed out in the final minute of play yesterday afternoon by the Wisconsin Rapids Squires, 26 to 23. Crowns, who scored 18 of the Ids' total, dropped in two counters in the last minute to put the game ice. on GOOD DEFENSE Wausau's defense in the Marshfeld game was very strong while the regulars were battling they gained 32-9 lead in three periods and then the reserves took up the burden.

While the Orangemen were keeping Nimz from scoring his mates were dropping in points. it was quite a diversion to see the Marshfield team steal the ball in the final period to dribble down for four field goals. One of the most interested visitors at the game was Russ Leksell, Rhinelander high school basketball coach. He has watched most Wausau games this year, and Brockmeyer of Wausau has watched almost every game that Rhinelander played. these two coaches are very much interested in each other's team.

both want their respective teams to win the conference title. The two teams clash next Tuesday night on the Rhinelander floor. These coaches gave exclusive interviews to this department Saturday night. They were terse. Brockmeyer said: "I hope my team makes 40 points against To which Leksell, who was still nervous after the shock Antigo handed his team the previous night, replied, "That's all right, if we make Both smiled, and would not discuss the coming game any There was a peculiar and play in Saturday's game.

Helixon of Marshfield stole the ball from Larson, who in turn swiped it from the former, with the Wausau forward dribbling down for a field goal. One of the officials in the game was Ernie Schneider, former Schofield boy and a good athlete in the Wausau high school just before the World war. Schneider left Wausau in 1919, and now 1s a member of the Oshkosh high school faculty. Marshfield Seconds Win Abbreviated Game Playing five minute periods, the Marshfield high school second team won a 19-15 game from Wausau Bees Saturday night, preliminary to the conference contest in the Central school gym. Each team made six field goals, while the visitors connected with seven free throws to three by the local quintet.

Wausau was behind until the fourth period when the home team spurted to knot the count, 13-all, after which they muffed many hook shots for field goals, Lee went on a scoring spree and dropped in two field goals in the closing minutes to win the game for the visitors, The box score: Wausau Marshifield fe ft pt fg ft pl Reicht, Wendt, 0 Yates, D. Wendt, 0 Leverance, Crocker, 00 Delber. Lee, 3 Mantissen, Bauer, 0 Larson, 4 May, 0 Krienke, Reed, Totals Totals 7 11 Score el half: Waurau 9, Marshfield 11, Free throws missed: Wausau 8, Marshfield South Dakota was the first state to live-trap pheasants for stocking purposes, BOWLING ROLOFF BROTHERS WIN Roloff Bros. bowling team won a match game of tenpins on a Stevens Point alley Sunday from the Altenburg dairy five, 2,675 to 2,633 pins. In it, Zahrt, Wausau, had a series, The games: Roloff Brothers Altenburg Dairy W.

R'loff 203 177 183 Alt' burg 167 201 131 Yambrik 170 156 148 Wallen 124 139 168 Zahrt 225 205 172 Whitman 166 203 216 Helling 166 186 170 Norm'ton 186 168 198 H. R'off 178 179 157 Lund 179 183 204 Totals 942 903 830 Totals 822 894 917 IN 15TH PLACE The Daisy Meats of Wausau shot a 2,832 game in the third annual Fox River valley bowling tournament at Fond du Lac yesterday afternoon. The singles and doubles of the local team were not high. The fivemen team's scores: Nickel ...188 192 161- 541 Juneau 223 230 198- 651 Vollenweider ...157 185 152- 494 Cotey .214 202 181- 597 Effa ...176 151 222. 549 Totals 958 960 914--2832 Ronchetti Wins Skating Title Chicagoan Cops Speed Championship in Final And Deciding Race Oconomowoc, Feb.

United States national speed skating championship was Ronchetti's today, and with it went the added distinction for the slender, 21-year-ing old Chicagoan of being the first in the 48 years of national amateur skating union competition to hold both the national and North American titles in a single year. Wins Last Race To capture his title on Fowler lake yesterday, Ronchetti had to win the final and deciding race, the five mile grind. That he did, coming from behind to nose out his fellow Chicagoan, Bob Heckenbach. The triumph gave him 130 points for the two-day meet, ten more than Heckenbach. Eddie Schroeder, Chicago, was far back with 40 points.

The one-mile, 440 yard and five mile races were won by Ronchetti, to which he added seconds in the 880 and two-mile. National women's honors went to attractive Mary Dolan, Minneapolis college girl, who finished 20 points ahead of Eleanor Thiel Dyer of Chicago. Miss Dolan, freshman at St. Catherine's college, St. Paul, yesterday won the mile race, after Saturday victories in the 220, 880,, threequarter mile and mile.

Mrs. Dyer followed Miss Dolan to the tape in four events. Third in the class went to Elaine Bogda, Chicago. Six New Marks Six Great Lakes records fell. They were: Junior girls' 440, 43.9 seconds, by Bunny Lawler; juvenile boys' 440, 41.21 seconds, by Roger Moisman; juvenile girls' 440, 45.6 seconds, by Madeline Maloney; junior girls' 220, 22.3 seconds, by' Bunny Lawler; juvenile girls' 220, 23.0 seconds, by Naas; and junior girls' 880, 1:46.3, by Geraldine Nuhfer.

No national meet records fell. Sixto Escobar Regains Bantamweight Title San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb. -It was fiesta time in Puerto Rico today. The island's fight hero, Little Sixto Escobar, was back at the head of the world's bantamweight battlers. Less than six months after he lost the 118-pound crown, the busy little Puerto Rican won it back last night by a decisive 15-round victory over Harry Jeffra, the ex-golf bag toter from Baltimore.

After winning a pre-fight decision over selection of the judges, Escobar went to work on Jeffra inside the ring, was in front all the way, and finished up by flooring the Marylander twice in the eleventh round and once in the fourteenth. Both battlers weighed 117 3-4. Sports Mirror (By The Associated Press) Today a Year Ago- Escobar successfully defended world bantamweight boxing title by, outpointing Lou Salica before 26,000 in Puerto Rico. Three Years Ago--Joe Louts knocked out Lee Ramage in second round of bout in Los Angeles. Five Years Ago -Herb Pennock, New York Yankee southpaw, signed for 21st season in big leagues, 11th with Yankees.

PRO FOOTBALL MOGULS MEET Philadelphia, Feb. (P) -Although marked by only one player trade, the National Professional Football league's week-end conference left its stamp on league rules today with the abolition of the temporary suspension system, limiting of post-season games and an increase in the number of players on team's active list. NEW VARSITY SPORTS and skiing have been added to the Syracuse University list of varsity sports. Eagle River Beats Vets For State Puck Title Wausau Wins Three Hockey Games and Loses To Falcons in Overtime Eagle River Falcons still were Wisconsin's amateur hockey champions today, with the Wausau Vets in the role of Last night the compelled the runner up Falcons to go into the second overtime period before annexing their seventh state title. The score was 3 and 2.

The attendance totaled 400 people. Wausau reached the finals by defeating Fond du Lac, 5-2, and Eagle River defeated the Milwaukee Luicks, 4-1. Wausau won in the quarter finals over Marquette university, 8-0, with Eagle River whitewashing Oshkosh, 11-0. The Winning Goal The winning goal for the Falcons in the second overtime period was scored by Ernie Blatnick, Falcon wing, who eluded Ray Walter, a Wausau defense man, in the final minute of play. Eagle River whipped in the first score of the game after 16 minutes first period when Lundberg netted the puck, G.

Walter knotted the count two minutes, later with a Wausau goal, there was no further scoruntil the final stanza, when Blatnick scored for the Falcons and Geiger for Wausau. Furious skating on both sides kept the deadlock through the first overtime period, but Blatnick scored in the second overtime period of the game. It was Wausau's fifth defeating by Eagle River this season. The lineups and summary: Wausau Eagle River Urbonya Wick Patterson RD Anderson R. Walter LD Deagle G.

Walter Lundberg Geiger RW Johnson Rahne Kucler Alternates--Wausau: Marcott, Vanderleist, Hewitt, Waddell, Goetsch, Kelly, Drew, Meydem. Eagle River: Kauppi, Alstrom, Blatnick, Pleban, Adam, Selfert, Bradford. Scoring: Blatnick 2, Lundberg, G. Walter, Geiger, Down Fond du Lac With Rahne and Patterson each scoring two goals and Hewitt one, the Vets captured the semi-final game from Fond du Lac, 5-2. Rahne got the first marker in the first period on a lone spree, while Hewitt and Patterson made goals for Wausau in the second period on power plays.

Thornberg and Joe Lotzer put in goals for Fond du Lac in the third period, and these were matched by points made by Patterson and Rahne. The lineups and summary: Wausau (5) Fond du Lac (2) Hewitt Thornburg Rahne L. Wagner G. Walter J. Lotzer R.

Walter RD W. Lotzer Patterson H. Farrey Urbonya Gladoske by periodsWausau 2 2- Fond du Lac 0 2- Spares: Wausau- Geiger, Kel1y, Waddell, Meydem, Drew, Goetsch. Fond du Lac-Lehner, Muray, Smith, McKibbon, Kaiser, Halfman, Webb. Scoring: Wausau-Rahne 2, Patterson 2, Hewitt.

Fond du Lac-Thornburg, Joe Lotz- er. Beat Hilltoppers The Vets blanked the Marquette university sextet, 8-0, in the quarterfinals. In this contest Rahne scored five goals, and the Walter brothers and Hewitt counted the other three. Wausau penetrated the Hilltoppers' defense three times in the first period, twice in the second and three times in the third. The lineups and summary: Wausau (8) Marquette (0) Hewitt Grefig Rahne Platt G.

Walter Morley R. Walter Milinkovich Patterson Coldagelli Urbonya Poznonovic Score by periodsWausau 2 3- Marquette 0 0-0 Spares: Wausau- Vanderlelst, Geiger, Kelly, Waddell, Meydem, Drew, Goetsch. Marquette -Coffey, Helam, Heintz, Callen, Guttmann, Hoene. Scoring: Wausau--Rahne 5, G. Walter, R.

Walter, Hewitt. Marshfield First Victim Marshfield was the first victim of the Vets, 8-1, as the Patterson coached unit made two points in the first period, four in the second and two in the third. "Freckles" Walter, Hewitt and Patterson each made two goals, and Rahne and Marcott Your Caretally and Fully RECHARGED 5-Day FREE Loaner SEARS ROEBUCK CO. 210 Washington So. Marts 4166 WORTH CROWING ABOUT You'll never need a string around Cigaretles.

your finger to remind you of MARVELS' Quality MARVELS MARVELS' or Savings! MARVELS The CIGARETTE of Quality Badgers Lose To Purdue Wisconsin Is Scheduled to Meet Michigan and Pennsylvania This Week Young and Beltz Lead Cardinals in Scoring Against Murphy's Clan CONFERENCE STANDINGS Pet TP OP Rhinelander .900 337 235 Wausau .900 305 221 Wisconsin Rapids .800 239 209 Merrill .555 213 226 Nekoosa 00 .400 196 220 Stevens Point 43 .363 206 201 Tomahawk 00 .200 00 185 268 00 .200 214 251 Marshfeld 2 9 .182 232 296 SATURDAY'S RESULTS Wausau 38, Marshfield 17. Merrill 30, Tomahawk 20. GAMES THIS WEEK Tuesday Night Wausau at Rhinelander. Nekoosa at Merrill. Friday Night Wausau at Stevens Point.

Tomahawk at Marshfield. Antigo at Nekoosa. Saturday Night Wisconsin Rapids at Merrill. The Wausau high school basketball team caught the Orangemen of Marshfield in very poor shooting form night and romped way victory, to regain Saturday, share in the Wisconsin valley conference lead with the Rhinelander Highs. Wausau and Rhinelander have lost one of ten circuit games played, and on Tuesday night the two leaders will clash on the Rhinelander floor for first place.

Nine Cards Score In Saturday night's game, Coach Win Brockmeyer used 10 players, and nine of them contributed points with Young and Beltz each getting seven points for the top individual scoring efforts. was Nimz the only Cardinal to play the entire game. Th Orange men bunched their defense around Nimz, in the hole, and the Cardinal scoring ace could only make four points. Only two buckets were made on rebound shots. The grouping of the visitor's defense under the Wausau basket allowed the Cardinals to pop long shots at the hoop.

And seven of them were dropped in from long or side ranges. First Marshfield Goal In the eighteenth minute of play Marshfield scored its first field goal. It was made by Helixon on a side shot, and it was the twenty-third attempt for a bucket. Nimz was the only member of the starting lineup in the fourth period, and it was during that session that SCORING LOG Wausau Score Marshfield FIRST QUARTER Young (ft) 1-0 1-2 (tts) Garvue Slewert (long) 3-2 Young (long) 5-2 Slewert (ft) 6-2 6-3 (ft.) Ley 6-4 (tt) Carnahan Slewert (ft) 7-4 Young (close) 9-4 SECOND QUARTER Slewert (long) Larson (dribble) Nimz (fts) Nimz (hook) Reichl (rebound) 19-4 THIRD QUARTER Reichl (side) 21-6 (side) Helixon Young (ft) 22-7 (tt) Carnahan Young (ft) 23-8 (It) Ley Beltz (long) Reichl (hook) Beltz (dribble) Beltz (rebound) Beltz (ft) 32-9 (ft) Felhofer FOURTH PERIOD 32-11. (hook) Ley (dribble) Helixon 32-15 (dribble) Carnahan T.

Plant (side) (hook) Ley Reich (med) D. Plant (hook) the aggressive Marshfield boys intercepted the ball four times to dribble down the floor to get pot shots and field goals. In the last period the visitors outscored Wausau six to eight. Two Wausau players, Larand Beltz, and Seidl of Marshfield were retired from the game on personal fouls. The box score: Wausan Marshield ft pf ft pt Larson, Ley, Beltz, Seidl, 2 Reich, 0 Frankw'h.

0 Nimz, Garvue, 0 Reichl, Carnahan, ON D. Plant, Felhofer, Young, 3 Helixon, T. Plant, Reese, 0 0 Slewert, Hilden, Totals ......15 8 16 Totals 7 10 Score by periodsWausau 19 32 38 Marshfield 9 17 Free throws missed: Ley Seldl 2, Garvue 7, Carnahan, Felhofer, Helixon 3, Beltz 2, 2, Young 3. Nimz Reich! Marshfield Frosh Beat Junior Highs, 17-12 The Freshman team of the Marshfield high school scored their second victory over the Wausau Junior Highs Saturday afternoon. The score was 17-12.

McDonald's cagers got away to a slow start, and in the third period they cut the margin to three points only to see the visitors win by five points, The box score: Wausan Marshield 1g ft pl ft Krien, Bauer, Gahnz, Swanson, Kleffer, 2 Ohm, 0 Hanson, Schmidt, Lupient, 0 Braatz. A Totals Totals Score at half: Wausau Marshfield 9. WIN FINAL GAME Oshkosh, Feb, -With A to 38 victory Saturday night over Fort Wayne, champions of last year, the Oshkosh All-Stars finished the Western division championship race in the national basketball league in first place with a record of twelve wins and two losses. KNOWS HIS NOUNS Gordon, tackle for the Green Bay Packers, is teaching English in Lane Tech high school. each one, The lineups and summary: Wausau Marshfield CONFERENCE STANDINGS: W.

L. Pet. TP OP Northwestern 875 285 259 Purdue 750 306 270 Minnesota 3 .625 253 238 Ohio State 340 305 Michigan A .500 258 243 Wisconsin .415 348 324 Iowa 5 .445 325 331 Indiana 5 .375 314 334 Illinois 6 .333 318 345 Chicago 7 125 257 355 Northwestern 52, RESULTS SATURDAY, NIGHT Purdue 46, Wisconsin 39. Chicago 38, Iowa 35. Illinois 42, Ohio State 34.

Minnesota Michigan 26. GAMES TONIGHT Wisconsin at Michigan. Illinois at Chicago. Minnesota at Indiana. Iowa at Northwestern.

Ohio State at Purdue. Madison, Feb. University of Wisconsin basketball team, defeated here Saturday 46 to 39 by Purdue, will meet Michigan's cagers at Ann Arbor tonight with only a first division berth in Big Ten conference standings at stake. Fifth Defeat Five defeats in nine starts have put the Badgers below a .500 percentage for the first time this season. Victories in three remaining games wouldn't give them a share in the conference title.

Before returning for the last home game against Indiana next Monday, the Wisconsin squad will meet the University of Pennsylvania cagers at Philadelphia in a non-conference game Wednesday. Poor marksmanship from the free throw line was costly to Wisconsin in the Purdue game. Jewell Young and Howard Powell, rival forwards, set the scoring pace with 20 points each, but the Badgers made only 11 points on 24 free throws, while Purdue made 10 on 15 chances. Thirteen thousand spectators, the largest crowd ever assembled for a university basketball game here, frequently roared displeasure as officials called a halt to roughness, largely the result of fast play. Three players were ruled off the floor on fouls, George, Rooney, Wisconsin forward, Sines and Gene Anderson, Purdue forward and center.

All other starters were called on at least two fouls. Badgers Score First Wisconsin took a five point lead at the start, but the Boilermakers pulled up to take a 19 to 16 lead at the half. The Badgers spurted to within one point of a tie, 22-23 26-27, early in the second period and again were trailing by only two points, 41-39, with two minutes left to play. Young took command at this point, however, pouring in two field goals and a free throw to clinch the victory. BOX SCORE Wisconsin (39) Purdue (46) fg ft pt 1g ft pt Rooney, ......1 1 Young, ........8 Powell, .....7 6 00 Sines, Jones, 1 Fisher, 0 Bell, 2 00 Anderson, .1 Frey, 1 00 Beretta, ....1 0 Davis, 00 ON Dickinson, 0 0 Welgandt, 0 Malaska, ..3 0 Totals ......14 11 16 Totals ......18 10 15 Half time score: Purdue 19; Wisconsin 16.

Free throws missed: Young 1, Anderson 4, Powell 4, Jones 1, Bell 3, Welgandt 2, Rooney 3. Referee: Clarno (Bradley); umpire, Nydahl (Minnesota), Arneson of New London Makes Longest Jump Strum, Feb. Arneson of New London jumped 124 and 117 feet to score 146.8 points and win class A honors in the Viking Ski club's meet yesterday, a meet which resulted in two Chicago veterans being forced out with injuries. Alf Jansen, 45, and Olaf Skogen, 40, of the Norge Ski club, Chicago, will go back to Chicago by ambulance, Skogen broke his right leg above the ankle competing in the senior class yesterday, while Jansen fractured his first lumbar vertebrae in a practice run Saturday. One hundred and thirty-five riders competed.

Senior honors went to Henry Fleming of the Eau Claire Ski club; class to Carl Olson of the Bush Lake club, Minneapolis, and class to Milton Lockery of Rosholt, Wis. Gunnar Rebne of Wisconsin Rapids was judged the most graceful rider. Walter Nelson of Strum made the longest standing jump, 125 feet, while the six Nelson brothers and Ted Peterson completed a double jump. MONMOUTH WINS Ripon, Feb. college continued its unbeaten way in the Midwest conference, winning its eighth straight basketball game here Saturday night, 36 to 22, against Ripon.

CARROLL CAGERS WIN Waukesha, Feb, college swamped Concordia of Milwaukee, 56 to 21, in a basketball game here Saturday night. ITS THE TRUTH! PRIS GEORGE MISHINGOU WAS NOT THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A (See Thursday's paper for proof) Our used cars are first in quality, first in values, and first in the hearts of foiks who want more and better miles for their money. PROOF--A Ton Weight Is Net Always Same. in America ton is 2,000 pounds, but in England the "long ton" or 2.240 pound weight is more customary. MOTOR CO la indoe CADILLAC: LASALLE Rahne Bauer Hewitt J.

Becker G. Walter Wolf Patterson Mattison R. Walter Robertson Urbonya La Pointe Score by periodsWausau 4 2-8 Marshfield 0 1-l Spares- Wausau: Vanderleist, Geiger, Kelly, Waddell, Meydem, Marcott, Drew, Goetsch; Marshfield: Dollar, Reidl, D. Becker, Berghammer, McCorison, Davis. Scoring -Wausau: Rahne, Marcott, G.

Walter 2, Patterson 2. Hewitt Marshfield: Heidl. Penalties- -Wausau: Geiger, R. Walter; Marshfield: Mattison 2, Drew, 13 FIGHTING FOR BALL--A RecordHerald photographer snapped the above picture during the MosineeMarathon basketball game Saturday night, won on by Mosinee, 24-12. It shows a group of players trying to get the ball after it had hit the Mosince cage backboard.

Daublender (22) and Kleist (23), Mosinee boys are in front with Lang (5) in back with his hands on the ball. It was a held ball. Mosinee Highs Down Marathon Redmond Pours in Most Points i in Marathon County Circuit Cage Game The Mosinee high school basketball team won the game from Marathon Highs Saturday night, 24-12, and the tie in the Marathon county high school conference that existed for third place in the standings. Held scoreless in the first period, during which Marathon made two points, the Mosinee Highs began to pile up points the second period to hold an 8-4 lead at the end of the second period. Mosinee stretched its margin as the game progressed.

Redmond of Mosinee was the high point man with seven points. The box score: Mosinee (24) Marathon (12) 1g ft pt 1g ft pt Kitest, 0 1 McGuire, 1 ...0 1 Daublender, 0 1 Szymanski, 1 1 0 0 Redmond, .3 1 1 Lang, 0 McKellips, 2 Eck, 2 Roth, Buchber'r, 6 0 1 Hendricks, Goldbach, 0 0 Polzin, Wilichow'1, 0 Unertl, 0 Pazak, 0 0 Dupuis, 0 0 Hall, 0 0 Beske, .0 0 0 Totals 11 2 8 Totals Running score by 15 24 Marathon 5 12 Summary: Free throws missed Mosinee 5, Marathon 4. Merrill Highs Defeat Tomahawk, 30 to 20 Merrill high school basketball team turned in a 30-20 victory over Tomahawk Highs on the former's floor Saturday night in which Rajek made 10 points for the home team. Merrill held the lead all the way. The box score: Merrill (30) Tomahawk (20) 1g ft pt 1g ft pl Saeger, 2 0 Nelson, A E.

Hestad, 2 Chvala, 2 0 Griffin, R. Koth, 1 4 HO Sievers, 0 Burton, 00 Rajek, 2 6 Fehrinann, 0 Thoreson, 1 Hetzel. 0 O. Hestad. 0 L.

Koth, 2 0 Totals 10 10 12 Totals 7 12 Edgar Legion Cagers Win From Antigo Team The Edgar Legion basketball team won a 41-40 game from Nash team, Antigo, Sunday afternoon on the Edgar floor. The box score: Edgar Antigo R. 1g ft pt fe ft pf Drumm. Lutz, 5 Ketter. 1 0 Leonard, 0 Peterman, 2 1 Heft, 1 1 2 Zemke, Buchler, H.

Drumm, 0 Paulette, 6 0 0 Werner. Mayo, 0 Totals 19 3 6 Totals LEADS ROYAL GOLFERS Albert of Belgium considered the best. royal golfer the world. He has a club handicap of two strokes. PERFECT MARK ABSENT Not a pitcher now active in the National league holds a winning percentage over every club in the circuit.

It Happened On the Diamond THIS AIN'T GETTIN' US ANY PLACE! CINCINNATI and Brooklyn had the longest National league losing streaks of '37. Each dropped 14 straight games, the Reds' run being stopped only by the end of the season. Brooklyn stopped losing to beat the already-champion Giants October I. SPORTS ROUNDUP BY SID FEDER (Pinch-hitting for Eddie Brietz) New York, Feb, the Cubs brain-trusters worried about that pitching Failing to come up with Van Mungo, they propositioned Cincinnati for Paul Derringer or Gene Schott. Warren Giles was willing, but Bill McKechnie nixed the deal, Also sent feelers out for Cy Blanton from the Pirates.

In a deal involving Arky Vaughan and Frank Demaree as well. Don't be surprised if Joe Louis packs more weight for Natie Mann than for any previous fight. Add Benny Oosterbaan, Michigan's end coach, to the growing list of candidates for Fritz Crisler's abdicated Princeton job, Patty Berg averaged a neat 78.33 per round her first six rounds on the winter golf circuit. Syd Cohen, Washington's relief flinger, used to pitch for a Mexican team under the handie, "Pablo Garcia." Incidentally, he's the last American league pitcher to feed Babe Ruth a home run ball, and the last to strike him out. Latest dope said Don Budge wants to do a "Bobby Jones Grand Slam" before turning pro.

By winning the Australian, German, French, Wimbledon and U. S. titles all in one year. With the Aussie honors captured, its one down and four to go. How these baseball fellas do get around.

Ralph Buxton was born in Saskatchewan, lives in Long Beach, Cal. pitched for Oklahoma City, and now gets a tryout with the Philadelphia Athletics. Goose Goslin may pop up with ananother American league club this season and deserves it. Last Night's Hockey National League Boston 3, New York Rangers 2. Toronto 3, New York Americans 2.

Detroit 1, Chicago 0. WOLVERINE BACKFIELD COACH Ann Arbor, Feb. Earl T. Martineau, A member of Herbert O. (Fritz)' Crisier's football coaching staff at Princeton, was appointed backfield coach at the University of Michigan today.

The Mexican population in this country has increased rapidly during the past. 10 years. RITZ 15c TONIGHT Through WEDNESDAY Big Double Feature Program JOHN BOLES DORIS NOLAN in "AS GOOD AS MARRIED" At 8:00 Only She wanted orchids, he gave her daisies. She wanted a suite at the Vanderbilt, but all he could give her was "LOVE IN A BUNGALOW" ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Only Four Wisconsin Cities Represented At Baseball Meeting Milwaukee, Feb. (P) -Only four Wisconsin cities were represented yesterday at a meeting called by the National Association of Professional Baseball leagues for the purpose of laying groundworlofor a new class league Wisconsin.

Sheboygan, Racine, Fond du Lac, and an Appleton-Kaukauna coalition were represented. Harry Smith of Columbus, president of the Ohio State league doing minor league promotional work, presided. Despite slender turnout, however, plans were laid for a 126-game schedule to open in May. Cities said to be interested in the league -but without representation Sunday--were Wisconsin Rapids, Manitowoc, Green Bay, La Crosse and Madison. Smith said he would visit these cities next week, contactbusiness and civic leaders.

Another organization meeting was set for Sheboygan March 4, Smith said. Henry Bendinger and Lou Nahin, officials of the Milwaukee Brewers, were among those present. ON WAY TO MADISON Waco, Feb. N. Douglas, head of the Baylor university department of physical education, has left Waco for Madison, where he will be head coach of the University of Wisconsin baseball team this spring.

Young Austria's prevailing religion is Roman Catholic. GRAND LAST 2 DAYS! Tuesday and (No Matinee Tomorrow) At 7:00 9:45 Alice FAYE 111 YOU'RE A SWEETHEART with Gene Murphy Ken Murray and Oswald Charles Winninger Andy Devine William Gargan And! WAYNE MORRIS in "THE KID COMES BACK" WAUSAU Today at 2:15, 7 and 10 AFRAID of the wrath of God and man BRAVE in each other's arms. HURRICANE with Dorothy Lamour Jon Hall Mary Astor C. Aubrey Smith, Thomas Mitchell Raymond Massey ADDED ATTRACTIONS Gloria Michael STUART WHALEN "CHANGE OF HEART" MICKEY MOUSE in "CLOCK CLEANERS".

Wausau Daily Herald from Wausau, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

Last Updated:

Views: 6453

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.