undefined: Help for teachers (2024)


Getting started with Online Practice

Use your Oxford ID and teacher access code to register. If you don'thave an Oxford ID, you can create one when you register.

You only need to register once. You can set up as many classes as youneed on your account. If you are teaching more than one level of thecourse, you can add a level to your account.

I have an Oxford ID

To register:

  1. Sign in using your Oxford ID username and password.

  2. Choose your language from the list.

  3. Choose your account type: Teacher.

  4. Enter your access code. Choose Check code.

    Note: You only need to enter the numbers of your code.

  5. Check your name. You can change your name here if you want to.

    Note: Any changes you make will display on other websites or appsyou sign in to with your Oxford ID.

  6. Choose your country from the list if you want to.

  7. Read the Terms and Conditions. Tick the box to confirm that you accept them.

  8. Choose Complete registration.

You will be signed in. Use the Online Practice at any time by signing inwith your Oxford ID username and password.

I don't have an Oxford ID

To create your Oxford ID:

  1. Choose Register on the right.

  2. Choose your language from the list.

  3. Type your email address.

  4. Choose Continue.

  5. Choose your account type: Teacher.

  6. Enter your access code. Choose Check code.

    Note: You only need to enter the numbers of your code.

  7. Enter your name.

  8. Choose your country from the list if you want to.

  9. Enter a password for your Oxford ID account.

    Note: Your password must be a minimum of 6 characters and include atleast one lower case letter and one upper case letter, with nospaces.

  10. Read the Terms and Conditions. Tick the box to confirm that you accept them.

  11. Choose Complete registration.

You will be signed in. Use the Online Practice at any time by signing inwith your Oxford ID username and password.

Creating a class

As a teacher, you can set up classes for your students to join.

To create a class follow these steps while signed in:

  1. Choose Create a class under the level you are using.

  2. Enter a name for the class.

  3. (Optional) If you have an Institution ID Code from youradministrator, choose Join an institution and enter yourInstitution ID Code into the box.

  4. Choose Create class.

  5. Make a note of the Class ID Code shown onscreen.

A class can only use one level of the course. You can set up as manyclasses as you like for the levels you have access to.

Once you have created your class, there are two ways for students tojoin:

  1. Import students into the class

  2. Help students join the class from their own Online Practice accounts

Managing a class

Please choose an option for more information:

  • Importing students

  • Helping students to join your class

  • Changing a student's password

  • Removing a student from your class

Importing students

If you know your students' details, you can import them into your class.To import students, you need to know:

  • Each student's full name

  • Each student's Oxford ID username (or email address if they do nothave an Oxford ID yet)

  • Each student's access code

If you do not have any of the above information, give the students yourClass ID Code instead. Students can then register and join your classthemselves.

To import students into your class:

  1. Choose Edit to the right of your class name.

  2. Choose the Add students button.

  3. Download the template .csv file. You need to enter your students'details into this file for the import to work.

  4. Enter your students' details into the file:

    • First name: Enter the student's first name

    • Last name: Enter the student's last name

    • Email address / Username: Enter the student's Oxford IDusername. This will usually be their email address. If a studentdoes not have an Oxford ID, one will be created for them.

    • Password: Choose a password for the student. If the studentalready has an Oxford ID, this column will be ignored

      Note: Each password must be a minimum of 6 characters andinclude at least one lower case letter and one upper caseletter, with no spaces.

    • Access code: Enter the student's access code. The code must befor the same book used in your class.

  5. When you have entered your students' details, save the file to yourcomputer.

  6. Choose Import your file and find the .csv file of your studentdetails.

  7. The file will be imported.

Important: When the students have been imported, you need to give eachnew student their Oxford ID username and password so that they can signin.

Students who are already registered for Online Practice will see a notenext time they sign in telling them they have been added to your class.

Checking your import later

You don't need to stay on the Add students page while your file isimported. After importing the file, you can set up other classes or signout of your account. To check the status of the import later, followthese steps:

  1. Choose Edit to the right of your class name.

  2. Choose the Add students button.

  3. Choose the Uploads button.

  4. Find your file name in the list.

Here you can see how many students have been imported from your file. Ifthere were any problems with the import, you will see an error messagehere.

Troubleshooting import problems

There are a number of reasons why an import might fail:

A problem with the system

If this happens, try the import again later. If you are still seeing thesame error, please contact Customer Support at eltsupport@oup.com forhelp.

A problem with the file format or the columns in your file.

Please download the template .csv file and try following the importsteps again.

A problem with the student details in your file.

These problems can often be fixed by changing some information in yourfile. To fix these problems:

  1. Choose Download report under the error message.

  2. Check the Status column of the file. Any students with the statusFailed were not imported.

  3. Check the Result column for each student. Here you will see whythey weren't imported.

  4. Make the changes for each student.

  5. Save the new file to your computer.

  6. Choose Upload changes and find the new file.

  7. The file will be imported.

Bulk enrol without access codes

You can choose not to include students’ access codes in the enrolment sheet. If you do not include access codes, the students must enter their access code when they sign in to the course and choose their course level. The enrolled students will then automatically join the teacher’s class.

See who has joined your class

When a student logs in, their ID information will appear in the class list on the Edit class page.

On your class page, you can see

  • how many of your students have successfully joined your class

  • your students' ID information

These details will change each time an enrolled student signs in for the first time.

Helping students join your class

Students can join your class from their own accounts.

To join your class, students will need:

  • A student access code for the book

  • Your Class ID Code

See our help pages on Student registration and Joining a class for the instructions your students need tofollow.

Changing a student's password

If a student cannot sign in, you can change their password for them.This allows you to help students in your class to access their onlineexercises if you need to.

To do this:

  1. Choose Edit next to the class.

  2. Find the student's name in the list.

  3. Choose the key icon to the right of the student.

  4. Enter a new password into both boxes.

    Note: The password must be a minimum of 6 characters and include atleast one lower case letter and one upper case letter, with nospaces. Changing a student's password here will also change thepassword they use for other Oxford University Press websites andapps.

  5. Choose Change password.

  6. Ask your student to try signing in with their username and the newpassword.

Removing a student from your class

To remove a student from your class:

  1. Choose Edit next to the class the student is registered in.

  2. Find the student's name in the list.

  3. Choose the remove user icon to the right of their name.

  4. Choose Remove student.

The student will be removed from the class. You will no longer be ableto see the student's progress. However, the student can continue usingthe Online Practice for self-study.

When you have created a class, you can:

  • Lock or unlock activities to change theunits and activities your students can access

  • View students' progress

  • Use Messages and Discussions to communicate with yourstudents

Activity preview

You can see all student activities in a level by clicking Preview in the level title on the dashboard. Leaving the Preview will reset all activity scores to 0 (zero).

Lock/unlock activities

As a teacher, you can choose which activities are available to studentsin your class.

  • Lock activities to stop students completing them straight away

  • Unlock activities later for students to complete as they workthrough the course

Activity auto-lock/unlock

Teachers can choose a date and time to lock and unlock activities automatically:

  1. Choose the class name from a level on the Home screen.

  2. Choose a unit from the menu.

  3. Choose the Lock icon.

  4. Toggle to lock the whole unit, or choose to lock sets of activities in the unit using the toggles to the right of each subheading.

  5. Choose a date from the dropdown calendar and a time from the dropdown menu for the unit or activities to unlock.

  6. Choose a date from the dropdown calendar and a time from the dropdown menu for the unit or activities to lock again.

  7. Choose Save.

  8. The locked activities will be made available to the class students between the dates and times set.

To lock activities:

  1. Choose the class name.

  2. Choose a unit from the menu.

  3. Choose the Lock icon.

  4. Use the toggle next to the unit name to lock a whole unit or use the toggle next to each sub-heading to lock just that group of activities.

  5. Choose Save to make the changes.

To unlock activities:

  1. Choose the class name.

  2. Choose a unit from the menu.

  3. Choose the Lock icon.

  4. Toggle to make the whole unit available, or choose to unlock sets of activities in the unit using the toggles to the right of each sub-heading.

  5. Choose Save to make the changes.

Viewing students' progress

Note: some activities might need to be marked manually.

To view your students' scores and progress:

  1. Choose the class name.

  2. Under Unit from the menu, choose the unit you want to look at, OR under Student from the menu, choose the name of the student.

You can change the way you see your students' scores if you want to:

Show First or last attempt

  • Choose First attempt from the Show options to see scores for thestudents' first attempts at each activity.

  • Choose Last attempt from the Show options to see students' mostrecent scores for each activity.

Scores % or X/Y

  • Choose % from the Scores options to see students' scores as apercentage.

  • Choose X/Y from the Scores options to see students' scores outof the maximum marks available.

Class Report

When students have joined your classes, you will be able to create a report showing scores for all students in a class. You can customise the report settings to include only the unit, skill and activity scores you require. You can also customise the report settings to include only unlocked activities.

To create a report for a class:

  1. Select the Unit tab on the My classes page and click the arrow icon at the top right. (On mobile devices: open a unit, choose the dotted menu then choose Export scores.)

  2. Toggle Scores based on selection on to recalculate total scores and percentages based only on the unit, skill or activity selections you choose.

  3. Toggle Include individual activities on to include individual activity scores in the report.

  4. Toggle to Show scores as first attempt / last attempt.

  5. Choose Create report to create and export the report.

To customise a report for a class based on skills, units and activities:

  1. Select the Unit tab on the My classes page and click the arrow icon at the top right. (On mobile devices: open a unit, choose the dotted menu then choose Export scores.)

  2. Toggle Scores based on selection on to recalculate total scores and percentages based only on the unit, skill or activity selections you choose.

  3. Toggle Include individual activities on to include individual activity scores in the report.

  4. Toggle to Show scores as first attempt / last attempt.

  5. Choose Customise skills and units to choose which skills, units and activities to include in your report. Toggling a skill, unit or activity off will remove it from the Excel report.

  6. Choose Close skills and units.

  7. Choose Create report to create and export the report.

To customise a report for a class based on unlocked activities:

  1. Select the Unit tab on the My classes page and click the arrow icon at the top right. (On mobile devices: open a unit, choose the dotted menu then choose Export scores.)

  2. Toggle Scores based on selection on to recalculate total scores and percentages based only on the unit, skill or activity selections you choose.

  3. Toggle Include individual activities on to include individual activity scores in the report.

  4. Toggle to Show scores as first attempt / last attempt.

  5. Choose Set report to unlocked activities to create a report based only on activities that are unlocked.

Institution Report

When classes have been linked to your institution, you will be able to create a report showing scores for all students in the classes in your institution across the course levels. You can customise the report settings to include only the score data you require.

To create a report for your institution:

  1. Choose Reports on your Home screen.

  2. Choose Customise report to view the customisation options.

  3. Toggle Scores based on selection on to recalculate total scores and percentages in the report to be based only on the unit selections you choose.

  4. Toggle Include individual activities on to include individual activity scores in the report.

  5. Toggle to Show scores as first attempt / last attempt.

  6. Choose Customise skills and levels to choose which skills and course levels to include in your report. Toggling a skill or level off will remove all scores for classes using that skill or level from the Excel report.

  7. Choose the Edit icon under the course level title to choose which units and activities to include or remove from that course level. Toggle the unit on to include them in the report. Toggle activities under the unit off to remove them in the report. Toggle the unit off to remove it from the report.

  8. Choose Close units.

  9. Choose Close skills and levels.

  10. Choose Create report.

You can also create a report for your institution based on a time period:

  1. Choose a date below Exclude classes created before. Choosing Earliest will set the selected date to the oldest class in the institution. You can click on the arrows to change the month and year.

  2. Choosing Latest will set the selected date to the newest class in the institution or the date set for Exclude classes created after, whichever is the oldest. You can click on the arrows to change the month and year. Once you choose a date, the date picker will close. Any class with a creation date older than this date will be removed from the report.

  3. Choose a date below Exclude classes created after. Choosing Earliest will set the selected date to the date set for Exclude classes created before. You can click on the arrows to change the month and year.

  4. Choosing Latest will set the selected date to today’s date. Click on the arrows to change the month and year. Once you choose a date, the date picker will close. Any class with a creation date newer than this date will be removed from the report.

  5. Choose Create report.

After you have chosen Create report you can leave the Reports page and the website if you wish.

The report may take a few minutes to be created. When ready you will see a notification indicating the report has been successfully sent to your email address.

You can resend the latest report to your email address or download the file from the Reports page.


As a teacher, you can send messages to students in your class. Messageswork like an email service for each online class.

For student safety, Messages are turned off by default. To turn on Messages, choose Edit, then Class Communication.

To send a message to your students:

  1. Choose the class name.

  2. Choose Messages from the menu.

  3. Choose New message.

  4. Choose Add.

  5. Choose the students you want to send your message to.

  6. Enter a subject for your message.

  7. Enter your message.

    1. (Optional) Choose Format to add bold, italic or underlined text to your message.

    2. (Optional) To attach a file, choose Attach and find the file on your computer. You can attach image files (.jpg, .gif, .png) or Microsoft Office files (.ppt, .docx, .xls) up to the maximum file size of 10MB.

  8. When you have finished your message, choose Send in the bottomright corner.

As a teacher you can see all messages sent within your class, includingmessages between students. To do this, choose Moderator. Choose amessage from the list to see the full message.


Discussions allow your students to talk about the course with othermembers of their class.

For student safety, Discussions are turned off by default. To turn on Discussions, choose Edit, then Class Communication.

There are two types of discussion:

  • Class threads: discussions started by a student or teacher in aclass.

  • Course threads: discussions related to the book or course you areusing in class. Course threads are often started by OxfordUniversity Press.

Starting a discussion thread

To start a new discussion thread:

  1. Choose Discussions from the menu.

  2. Choose New thread.

  3. Enter a subject for your thread.

  4. Enter your comment into the box.

    1. (Optional) Choose Format to add bold, italic or underlinedtext to your comment.

    2. (Optional) To attach a file, choose Attach and find the fileon your computer. You can attach image files (.jpg, .gif, .png)or Microsoft Office files (.ppt, .docx, .xls) up to the maximumfile size of 10MB.

  5. Choose Send to start the thread.

Adding to a thread

To add to a discussion thread:

  1. Choose Discussions from the menu.

  2. Choose Class threads or Course threads.

  3. Choose the thread you want to comment on.

  4. Choose Add comment.

  5. Enter your comment into the box.

    1. (Optional) Choose Format to add bold, italic or underlinedtext to your comment.

    2. (Optional) To attach a file, choose Attach and find the fileon your computer. You can attach image files (.jpg, .gif, .png)or Microsoft Office files (.ppt, .docx, .xls) up to the maximumfile size of 10MB.

  6. Choose Send to add your comment.

Deleting posts

As a teacher, you can see all discussions and comments added by studentsin your class. If any comments or threads are no longer needed, you candelete them.

To delete a thread or comment, choose the Delete icon to the left ofthe relevant subject line, then choose OK. The thread or comment willbe removed for all users in your class.


To see the downloadable resources for your level:

  1. Choose Resources from the menu.

  2. Choose the type of resource (e.g. Worksheets, Tests, Video.)

  3. Choose the resource you want to use.

Some resources can be downloaded and used offline. Other resources canonly be used while connected to the internet.


Students and teachers can access the dictionary in the navigation bar to search for word definitions.

To hide the dictionary from your class, next to your class name choose Edit then Class options.


You will see a notification at the top of your dashboard whenever a student in your class:

  • Leaves or joins a class

  • Starts a discussion

  • Submits an activity to their teacher to be reviewed, scored and returned to the student

Teachers can click the link within each notification to go to the corresponding area of the Online Practice.

Deep linking

Each activity has a unique URL. To share an activity in a message, copy the activity URL in the browser address bar and paste it in a message.

Editing and deleting classes

To make changes to a class you have set up, choose Edit to the rightof the class name.

Here you can make the following changes:

  • Change the class name

    Choose the Edit icon next to the class name and type a new name.

  • Delete the class

    Choose Delete class, then click Delete class again to confirm.If you delete a class, you will lose access to your students'progress. Students in the class will still be able to use the onlinepractice for self-study.

  • Link the class to an institution

    If your administrator has given you an Institution ID Code, chooseJoin an institution to add it to your class. This will allow youradministrator to monitor the class.

Adding a level

You can use more than one level of your course on your Online Practiceaccount. You need an access code for each level you want to add.

To add a new level:

  1. Choose Add a level.

  2. Enter your new access code. Choose Check code.

  3. Choose Add.

You can set up classes for any books you have access to. See Creating a class for more information.

Changing your account details

You can change the following details of your account:

  • Your name

  • Your Oxford ID username

  • Your Oxford ID password

  • Your country

Your account details are saved to your Oxford ID. Changes you make whilesigned in to Online Practice will also show on other Oxford websites orapps you use.

To change your account details:

  1. Choose Account from the menu.

  2. Choose the information you want to change.

  3. Enter your changes.

  4. Choose Save changes.

undefined: Help for teachers (2024)
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Article information

Author: Catherine Tremblay

Last Updated:

Views: 6039

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.